Excessive noise, a great enemy of good sleep

Excessive noise, a great enemy of good sleep


The issue of noise pollution is still in the debate, due to the havoc it is causing in the mental health of many people in the world. If we reduce it to the effect that noise has on the environment, as defined by the World Health Organization (WHO) "Presence in the environment of noise or vibrations, whatever the acoustic emitter that originates them, which implies annoyance, noise or harm to the person". So many of us are being disturbed in the art of getting a good sleep and even continues to be one of the major problems of public health throughout the globe and as a particular example I attest that in the capies of America, especially in Venezuela effects daily, in everyday life where it has become common and customary as part of our way of life. In particular this situation is a problem that should be called to greater spheres, deepen the debate more thoroughly and be more severe with the policies, measures or rules that have been taken in this regard, as it has not been for lack of discussion, however as a global public health problem has increased.
In this order of ideas, we are aware that every human being child, adolescent, adult needs for mental health conciliate a generative and harmonious sleep that flows from the brain systematically to other parts of the body, with this I mean that the action of sleep is of utmost vitality for every person, which is needed at any time of day and is part of our life process and our habits and adaptations, as well as an essential requirement in the metabolism of each person.
However, there are people who are unconscious, irrational, ignorant and even arrogant, who daily, from time to time on weekends, exaggeratedly place in their parties, events or meetings from minitecas, sound equipment and vehicles to emit a noise so exaggerated that exceeds the minimum noise that can humanly perceive the human ear at the time of sleep. Even many of these inconsiderate people are aware of the great consequences that disturbing noise can cause at the level of health in people and what they have to do with heart attacks, stress, anxiety, agitation, depression, hysteria, fatigue, among many others.
Together with this, the fact of not falling asleep at the moment of going to sleep and spending several hours awake and "dumbed down" at the mercy of the musical noise or any other emitter becomes practically irrecoverable at the moment of saying "I'll get it back tomorrow", because it does not arise as a hope or as a hope for the future. The ear needs 16 hours of rest to compensate 2 hours of exposure to 100 (dB)", according to the (WHO).
Considering the above concept of this prestigious organization we could say that if the ideal normal noise to which the human ear can be exposed is 30 decibels, then exposing us to 100 (dB) there is a difference of more than double which is part of a major risk factor in falling. The health consequences mentioned above are even more so if we regularly spend 5 or more hours in this drama, where we often have to wake up at dawn.
However, many of us regardless of the country or continent to which we belong a woman forced to issue our discomfort objectively and make planting that allow to reopen the debate in this regard and reconsider the aspects that have been taken into account in terms of explanation of politicar , laws , regulations and rules of coexistence, risk factors and way of life necessary to minimize the great drama and mental health problem which is represented by excessive noise when conceived by the human ear at the time of undertaking the wonderful world of sleep to fall asleep as a vital and generative process in our lives.


It is up to us to process this teaching, since we are the main ones affected against people who do not have a minimum of consideration for their fellow men, who apparently did not have a little education and learning of values, coexistence norms and respect for those who are their neighbors or members of a certain community who need to be understood as a human being who at a given moment requires harmony and tranquility to tune their brain through the gift of good sleep and enter the wonderful world of sleep.


Bibliography and references:
World Health Organization.

Image sources