Yoga Challenge | Come and Join

in Natural Medicine4 years ago
Countdown terminated on Jun 21, 2021, 10:59 PM

Hello lovelies,

Recently I saw two videos:
The first video is Sadghuru talking about the benefits of Yoga on the immune system.
The second video of the gates of hell (Bill Gates) lightly mentioning or predicting the next health crisis. Back in 2015, Bill gates did predict a pandemic. Or maybe warning us about his plans. Who knows?

Somehow both of them inspired me to be more active about spreading Yoga. Having experienced health benefits myself, I invite you all to join me and give it a go.

3 day yoga challenge.jpg

In the following 3 days, one recorded Yoga class per day will be released.
The theme of this Yoga challenge is to find a balance between our feminine and masculine energy because it is pretty common to practice overusing one of these energies.

  • From my Yoga journey, I realised that I naturally practice overusing masculine energy. I was too hard on myself to push myself by ignoring all pains and aches. Bringing in softness into my practice wasn't an option until the day I got injured. My dear teacher helped me acknowledge how my training was harming me more than doing good. She taught me how to soften, how to listen to my body through restorative Yoga. Years later, I became a yoga teacher. I am super aware of the students making sure they do not make the same mistakes I did, and with a few cues, bring in the feminine energy or masculine.

The classes are sequenced in a way that you can practice them one after another. All 3 classes together take up roughly 1hour and 20 mins.


How does this challenge work?

  • Practice all 3 classes. Reflect on your experience and create 1 post where you share with us your experience by giving us a sneak pick of the overall experience throughout this 3 day Yoga challenge. Allow your creative flow to go wild.
  • Let me know if you would like me to create more Yoga challenges.
  • Leave the link below in a comment so that I don't miss it.
  • Reblog this post to reach more hivers. I will appreciate an upvote.
  • Feel free to give me constructive feedback.

The challenge will be running until the 21st of June. On the 23rd of June, I will share a compilation of all the entries.
Reward: All participants will receive a percentage of the compilation article. The payout will be shared between all participants.

My intention with this challenge is to spread Yoga, love and create an environment supporting each other. I want to get to know you better, build meaningful friendships.

In the Future...

I want to keep creating ongoing yoga challenges for this platform as long as it benefits you and the platform. If so, the more of you who actively participate will allow me to invest more. Creating just and fair guidelines to follow so that 3 winners can be chosen and rewarded with some lotus and Hive in the future. All the other participant will still get a percent of the compilation post.



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With much love, light and Blessings
Let's have fun :D

Countdown terminated on Jun 21, 2021, 10:59 PM

Brilliant idea!

Thank you @yangyanje for your support :D

I love to join in...

Yes, come and join @jurich60 ! Tomorrow the first class will be released :D

This is an excellent initiative. Let's spread the word about this wonderful practice! I love your idea, and I support you with everything I can to spread it.



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Thank you very much @karmadorje, your support means the world :). let's spread the yoga :D

 4 years ago  

I'll have to try and remember to check in over the next few days...

Yes, in the following 3 days a class per day will be released and there is about a week from the last class to submit your post. :D Looking forward to all submission :D. I hope will be fun

I love this

Thank you for supporting. Join the challenge :)

 4 years ago  

Chicas: @jomarbym, @aguilaazul7777, @tibaire, @ayleenr, @evev tal vez les interese participar en este reto propuesto por @moonyoga. Un abrazo 🤗

Much love and gratitudeHey @miriannalis, thank you so much for spreading the yoga :)

 4 years ago  


Gracias 💞 @miriannalis lo leí amiga pero sigo de reposo con la lesión que tengo en el pié y no podré participar 😭

 4 years ago  

Ayyyy verdad 😭😭 no recordé ese detalle, ya fuiste al médico?

Hoy justamente estoy en eso mi bella más tarde les contaré que me dijeron @miriannalis

Excelente iniciativa me encanta 😍vamos a difundir hacer yoga. Me anoto para participar. Aunque no tenga mucha elasticidad, practicar los ejercicios, me relaja y hace sentir mejor.

Flexibility, fit body and so on are just byproducts of yoga practice and will come with time. When I started, my body was so stiff that I could not even sit on crossed legs. aha. The most important part of the practice is being present. Everything else will follow. Looking forward to your submission. Thank you for being here and giving it a go. Much loveI am thrilled that you are joining @katimar! :D

Hello greetings, I would like to join this challenge, I know all the benefits that this art generates to our body, I like to exercise my body, and I've always wanted to do yoga, but in my town we do not have an instructor, and I'm afraid to do some postures, I will not get injured. blessings

I am delighted that you are joining, only do the postures and practices that feels safe and comfortable for you. I do my best to keep the classes simple and safe, but no one better than you to know what is right. I will bear in mind your thoughts and concerns for upcoming challenges and classes so that you feel comfortable and safe to join .. Thank you for your support, much loveHey @cristanza42 :D

HOLA , Blessings ok I will give it a try. greetings

Cool! I'm definitely going to give this a go. My practice has been super lame lately :(

This challenge might be to easy for you love, get breath work with it :D

Good post

THank you @youngwife, I hope you join :)