Prevents Dehydration in the Midst of Heavy Activities and Hot Weather

Source 123rf

In the midst of hectic activity, and also in the month of Ramadan, not only is energy drained. Fluids in the body will also decrease. Especially if the activity is carried out during hot weather. We will be more susceptible to dehydration. Dont worry, we can prevent dehydration in the midst of busy activities and hot weather by following these steps.

How to Prevent Dehydration During Hot Weather and Busy Activities

Body fluids play an important role in our bodies. Starting from helping the performance of millions of cells and organs in the body, to controlling body temperature to stay normal. Yes, the denser the activities we do, the performance of the body's organs will increase.

Especially if we do these activities under the hot sun. That means, body fluids will be reduced in large quantities. In order to maintain the balance of our body fluids, we need to replace these fluids. Otherwise, dehydration (lack of fluids) can occur.

Dehydration makes us feel extremely thirsty. Other symptoms of dehydration, such as our mouth will feel dry, concentration can be impaired, and the body becomes weak. Of course, this can interfere with activities, right? In order for our work to run smoothly, we need to prevent dehydration in the midst of busy activities during hot weather. Follow some of the ways below.

  • Drink more water

Source jovee

The key to preventing dehydration is to drink lots of water. Well, the choice of water is very good when doing activities under the hot sun, namely water. The temperature should not be too hot or too cold.

Drinking hot water can trigger the body to sweat more and more. While drinking cold water, which most people think is a refreshing drink during hot weather, it is not the right choice.

During activity, body temperature will rise. If you drink cold water, your body will force your temperature to drop quickly. It's not good for health. So, it's better to drink water with a normal temperature or cool to prevent dehydration in the middle of hot weather.

  • Drink water immediately when you feel thirsty

Source gaya tempo

When we feel thirsty we should stop activity and drink immediately. Do not delay drinking water because the risk of dehydration will be even greater.

When we are anxious, busy activities make us forget to drink, take advantage of advanced applications or features on our cellphones as reminders to drink water.

Set the time to drink according to the activities we do. If it is quite heavy, we can set an alarm to drink water every 1 or 2 hours to prevent dehydration during hot weather.

Source freepikpsd

  • It can be combined with eating fruit

Although not the main way, we can use fruit as an additional way to prevent dehydration during hot weather. Choose fresh fruit that contains a lot of water, such as watermelon, oranges, cantaloupe, star fruit, or pineapple.

  • Use supporting equipment

Source hellosehat

In addition to dehydration, activity in the sun also makes skin darker. So, wear sunscreen as often as possible as a skin protector.

We can also use extra equipment, such as umbrellas or hats. This increases the effectiveness of preventing dehydration during activities in the sun. Umbrellas and broad-leaf hats reduce exposure to the sun which causes a hot sensation on the skin that causes us to sweat.

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