Una buena práctica para esta cuarentena es encender una vela y concentrarse en la llama.
A good practice for this quarantine is to light a candle and focus on the flame.
A principios de abril, el abuelo Tlaui Chávez de México, con quien tuvimos la hermosa oportunidad de probar el Peyote por primera vez, publicó en su Facebook una invitación a unirse a un rezo de Pipa de la Paz el viernes 04 de abril a las 8:00 pm hora Colombia.
Starting April, Abuelo Tlaui Chávez from Mexico, with whom we had the beautiful opportunity to meet the Peyote medicine for the first time, posted in his Facebook an invitation to join in a Ceremonial Pipe prayer on Friday 4th at 8:00 pm Colombia time zone.
El rezo era por la humanidad. Para que los enfermos encuentren la cura. Los agobiados, la paz. Los independientes, los que viven al día, como nosotros, sustento para sus familias.
Así que esa noche, Sayri dormido, Rafa y yo encendimos nuestro tabaco a la hora estipulada. Y comenzamos a rezar.
The prayer was for humanity. For the sick to find their cure. For the overwhelmed to find relief. For the independent workers, who live on a daily income, like us, sustenance for their families.
So that night, with Sayri asleep, Rafael and I lit our tobacco at the stipulated time. And we started praying.
A mitad de los rezos, Rafael encendió una vela que, lentamente y casi danzando, iluminó toda la sala.
Y, con eso, fue suficiente.
Halfway during our prayers, Rafael lit a candle that, slowly and almost dancing, lit up the whole room.
And that was it. That was enough for me.
![20190602_162542 2.jpg](https://images.hive.blog/768x0/https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/neyxirncn/mDkY8PRT-20190602_162542202.jpg)
A ver, hay un momento en la medicina que es muy difícil de explicar.
Me atrevería a decir que es un lenguaje más que un momento. O un lenguaje cuyo medio es un momento.
Ok, let’s see. There is a moment within medicine that is really hard to explain.
I would even dare to say it is more of a language than a moment. Or like a language whose medium is a moment.
Ese momento se siente como si dejase de existir el pensamiento. Y no me refiero a que dejas de pensar. Es como alcanzar un estado, un plano de consciencia, tal vez una dimensión, en donde no hay lugar para el pensamiento. Para el pensamiento sin sentido.
Y se detienen los diálogos. Cada uno de ellos.
That moment is when thought ceases. And I don’t mean that you stop thinking. It is like reaching a state, a plane of consciousness, a dimension perhaps, where there is no place for thought. For nonsense thought.
Es un momento en el cual, verdaderamente, escuchas.
Escuchas las hojas de tabaco quemarse tanto como escuchas los grillos en el jardín. Escuchas el viento y escuchas tu respiración. Y, sobretodo, escuchas la voz de la medicina.
It is a moment when you listen. When you truly listen.
You can listen to the tobacco leaves burn just as well you can listen to the crickets in the garden. You can listen to the wind and you can listen to your own breath. And you can, specially, listen to the voice of the medicine.
Incluso, voz podría ser una palabra muy vaga para describirlo. Puede ser también una sensación. O ambas; una voz que no se escucha, pero se siente. A veces es tu propia voz. Otras veces, es como si un pendrive con información fuese súbitamente descargado en tu cerebro. O en tu corazón.
Y le entiendes.
O, más bien, llegas a un lugar donde no hay nada que entender.
Or, you know what? Voice could be a very vague word to describe this as well. See, it could also be a sensation. Or both; a voice you cannot listen but you can feel. Sometimes, it is your own voice. Other times, it is as if a pendrive full of information was suddenly downloaded in your brain. Or in your heart.
And you can understand it.
Or, more specifically, you reach a place where there’s nothing to understand.
Y Rafael encendió la vela. Y la oscuridad no se convirtió en luz sino que la luz trajo claridad dentro de la oscuridad. Y la medicina habló. Y no fue el tabaco.
Fue el fuego, el abuelo más antiguo en la historia.
And Rafael lit the candle. And it wasn’t like the.darkness turned into light but more like the light brought clarity within the darkness. And the medicine spoke. And it wasn’t the tobacco.
It was the fire, the oldest grandfather of history.
Look within the light.
Si bien no todos estamos enfermos físicamente, siento que nos recetaron esta cuarentena para sanar algo. Esa noche, creí comprender que es la relación que tenemos con nuestra oscuridad.
Although not all of us are physically ill, I feel that we’ve been prescribed this quarantine to heal something. That night, I thought I understood that something: our relationship with the darkness.
Cuando toca lidiar con nuestros demonios, solemos entretenernos para no sentirnos mal.
Porque somos seres que tenemos que vibrar en luz y amor! Porque para qué sufrir si la vida es tan hermosa y nosotros tan afortunados!! Escríbeme y descubre cómo recuperar las riendas de tu vida!!! Sé tu propio Siddharta!!!!
When it comes to dealing with our demons, we use to entertain ourselves so we don’t feel bad.
Because we’re vibrating beings of love and light! Because why are we suffering if life is so beautiful and we are so blessed!! Contact me and discover how to take the wheels of your life back!!! Be your own Siddharta!!!!
O estamos tan ocupados, corriendo de aquí para allá todo el día, que ni siquiera notamos que estamos mal en primer lugar.
Y así se va acumulando ese montón de oscuridad en la cual no hemos querido mirar.
Or we are so busy, running here and there all day, that we don’t even notice we’re feeling something in the first place.
So there lurks all that growing darkness we didn’t want to look at.
Ahora, no podemos huir.
Ahora, se desvela el paisaje de miedo y desesperación. Y es especialmente difícil para quienes no están acostumbrados a aceptar que hay caos dentro de sus vidas tan meticulosamente planeadas y controladas.
La ansiedad visita. Trae como equipaje el no poder dormir, la incomodidad, el ardor en la garganta. El resfriado que, posiblemente, muchos hemos experimentado a este punto. El resfriado que yo estoy experimentando.
Ya no sabemos qué hacer. Ya no queremos estar dentro de nosotros.
Now, we cannot run away.
Now, the photograph of fear and despair is revealed. And it is especially hard for those who are not used to accept there is chaos in their meticulously planned and controlled lives.
Anxiety comes to visit. She brings a luggage of insomnia, discomfort, a burning throat. She brings the cold that many of us have experimented at this point. The one I am experimenting at this point.
We don’t know what to do anymore. We don’t want to be inside ourselves.
En mi caso personal, no es el “encierro” en sí lo que me ha afectado.
Soy mamá a tiempo completo de un bebé de 10 meses. Y, aunque el trabajo principal de @acurewa requiere ir a casa de otras personas, también trabajamos desde casa. El internet es nuestra oficina y medio de transporte. Así ha sido siempre, incluso desde antes de que Rafael y yo nos conociéramos.
Entonces, la casa me gusta, la casa es hogar.
In my case, it’s not the isolation thing what affects me.
So I like being at my house. It’s my place. It’s home. I am full time mom of a 10 month old baby boy. And, although the main job of @acurewa requires to go to people’s houses, we also work from home. Internet is our office and vehicle. It is how it has alwayss been, even before we met each other.
Hasta que, mi verdadero hogar, mi cuerpo, empezó a agitarse descontroladamente.
Until my true home, my body, started shaking uncontrollably.
Pero la ansiedad no llegó; siempre estuvo allí. Inadvertida entre mis constantes To-Do lists. En pensar en el almuerzo a mitad de mi desayuno. En mi vida hubiese sido distinta si me hubiese independizado antes. Leeré otro libro porque no estoy haciendo nada.
Siempre estuvo. Pero no fue hasta que se habló de un caos global que pude notarlo. Ah! Disculpa, no te vi!! Hola!!!
But anxiety did not exactly came to visit me; she had always been here. Unnoticed among my regular To-Do lists. In thinking about what to cook for lunch while still eating breakfast. In my life would be different if I had become independent earlier. In I will read another book because I’m not doing anything.
She had always been there. But it wasn’t until the world talked about chaos that I could notice it. Oh! I’m sorry, I didn’t see you!! Hi!!!
Y dejé de poder dormir. Y los gatos en el techo se convirtieron en posibles invasores con armas y dispuestos a abusar de mí. Y el cuerpo me pica. Rafael, creo que está temblando. Y volvieron a alargar la cuarentena. Imaginando. Rafael, la cama al frente de la puerta crea mal feng-shui. Pensar. Si escribo eso me van a juzgar. Imaginar, imaginar. Rafael, creo que tengo ansiedad.
Rafael, tengo ansiedad.
And I stopped sleeping. And the cats on the ceiling became possible invasors, armed and willing to abuse me. And my body itches. Rafael, I think an earthquake is happening. The quarantine has been extended. Imagining. Rafael, the bed in front of the mirror has a bad feng-shui. Thinking. If I write about that, people with judge me. Imagining, imagining. Rafael, I think I have anxiety.
Rafael, I have anxiety.
Look within the light.
Al concentrarnos en la llama de la vela (o de una fogata, si les es posible hacerla) podemos pedirle que sea la antorcha que nos acompañe en esa inmersión a nuestra oscuridad. Que nos ilumine el interior de ese baúl de la esquina en la habitación a oscuras cuya puerta suele permanecer cerrada.
Que nos recuerde que esa habitación siempre ha estado en la casa. Y siempre estará.
While we focus on the flame of the candle (or a bonfire, if that’s possible to you) we can ask her to be the torch that comes with us in this immersion to our darkness. The torch that light up the interior of that trunk on the corner of the dark room whose door is usually closed.
Ask her to remind us that that room has always been in the house. And will always be.
Últimamente he estado leyendo el Kybalión. Me parece que recordarnos el Principio de Correspondencia es excepcionalmente útil en medio de estos tiempos.
Como es de grande la oscuridad, lo es la luz. Como es adentro, es afuera. Como es en ti, es en la Tierra entera. Y más allá.
Lately, I’ve been reading The Kybalion. I feel that to constantly remind ourselves the Principle of Correspondence would be exceptionally useful in these times.
As above so below, as below so above.
As big the darkness so is the light. As inside so it is outside. As within you so it is in the whole Earth. And beyond.
No solo se mueve oscuridad fuera de estas paredes.
No solo hay enfermedad, no solo hay conspiración o maldad.
No solo hay ansiedad.
There’s not just darkness outside this walls.
There’s not just sickness, nor conspiration or evil.
There’s not just anxiety.
And if we feel this chaos is this big, equally great is the harmony and the consciousness. Maybe, it doesn’t make so much noise. Or, maybe, we haven’t look where we should.
Así que, dentro de la oscuridad, busca la luz. Y, en esta casa donde ambos polos convergen, recuerda que tú decides dónde pasar tus días. Solo no olvides limpiar el polvo de las habitaciones cerradas de vez en cuando. Y observa las historias que te cuentan las sombras en las paredes. Atrévete a bailar con ellas, al menos una canción.
So, within the darkness, seek the light. And, in this house where both poles converge, remember you can decide in which rooms to spend your days. Just don’t forget to clean the dust from the closed rooms from time to time. And watch the stories told by the shadows on the wall. Dare to dance with them, even if it’s just a song.
Ojalá, al finalizar esto, también podamos regresar al exterior, a la superficie, a nuestra cotidianidad, más humildes. Con menos juicio y más comprensión sobre la oscuridad de los demás.
Ojalá, también, podamos ser esa luz que ilumine el camino de otros.
Hopefully, at the end of this, we can return to the outside, to the surface, to our daily lives, more humble. With less judgement and more understanding of each other’s darkness.
Hopefully, too, we could be that light that illuminates the path of others.
El fueguito es nuestro espíritu.
Sepamos escuchar su mensaje.
The fire is our spirit.
Let us all hear his message.
I hope everyone has a warm bed, food, health and family in these difficult times.This is an entry for a contest of @NaturalMedicine where we can share our thoughts on how to stop the virus from home with what we have on hand. Part of this I talked about on my Facebook the night after that prayer, although is much more in-deep in here.
Me pueden encontrar en Discord como neyxirncn #3571, en Twitter como neyxirncn_ y en Facebook como Neyxi Rincón.
You can find me in Discord as neyxirncn #3571, in Twitter as neyxirncn_ and in Facebook as Neyxi Rincón.
So beautiful! I read this in both Spanish and English and I was hearing the Spanish words in my head. I think you write like a poet. Would love to hear you read one of your posts one time in Spanish.
This was an amazing read just before bed. I am gonna light a candle, meditate and then sleep.
All is well.
Un abrazo y mucho luz, paz e salud desde Holanda,
You can't even imagine how much I appreciate those words!
I do have plans on recording my poetry in video. That would be dreamy for me!
I absolutely love poetry but have a hard time trying to translating to English. My banana tree water post originally had a poem but I just couldn't make it fit in an English post as I write in Spanish almost every time.
It makes me really excited and happy you found this beautiful. And I hope your time with the candle was beautiful as well!
Much love, abrazo y luz desde Colombia.
I think people will appreciate Spanish poetry too, I sure would. I think you're English is very good so I don't think I will be of much help translating a Spanish poem to English. Spanish was almost my third language a couple of years ago ( after Dutch and English ) but right now my German and Portuguese are probably better.
It was!
In this weird time, I burn candles almost daily ( something I hardly ever did in the past ). I am happy to be in a house where there's plenty of candles. There's even a metal chandelier for big candles in the living room.
Un abrazo fuerte desde Holanda,
Ah, it's good you can understand and speak so many languages!
I really love languages, everything about them. Their history, the culture of every single variation of a language. To me, it's a way of being closer to people we would never think we have something in common.
My native language is Spanish and I'm fluent in English, but I also know basic French -and I really need to continue my studies of it- and I ADORE Portuguese. With the last one it's weird; I cannot speak it but I do understand a lot and I sing a lot, A LOT, a loooot of songs in Portuguese... A lot. hahahah
This is really powerful and oh-so-beautiful, @neyxirncn - powerful... meditative and somehow hypnotic in the way you wrote it.
"And watch the stories told by the shadows on the wall. Dare to dance with them, even if it’s just a song."
The Light IS the answer and we need to keep a strong focus. I loved the way your suggested it doesn't dispel the darkness, but somehow clarifies it.
Eloquent and fully bilingual? Great job.
I experienced a lot of the anxiety I described writing this, it was tough for me, but the same Light kept me focused and going until I finished it. Poured a lot of emotions in this one!
And sort of! I have been an English teacher a lot of times in my life and I think I fully understand it, although when it comes to translating my Spanish writings it can be kind of difficult as I use a lot of slang words hahaha
Thank you so much for your feedback!
It came across as raw and authentic - and very beautiful. It was a courageous piece. Hugs.
Curation Collective Discord community
community witness. Please consider using one of your witness votes on us hereEste post fue compartido en el canal #spanish-curation de la comunidad de curación y obtuvo upvote y reblog por la cuenta de la comunidad @c2-spanish después de su curación manual.This post was shared in the #spanish-curation channel in the for curators, and upvoted and reblogged by the @c2-spanish community account after manual review.@c-squared runs a
That in particular spoke to me. A touching piece. I think we can all relate to many of these emotions you touch on.
Thank you so much for connecting with the text and for your feedback!
Much love. ❤️
@porters here on behalf of @NaturalMedicine – so much clarity you give, beautifully expressed for seeing the light in the darkness within and without! Very powerful and insightful - thanks for sharing!
, which you can read about here. There's 100 HIVE on offer & lots of LOTUS to win!
Thank you so much for your kind words. ❤️
Eso que mencionas del momento en las ceremonias y el rezo en el que todo se silencia y uno puede escuchar todo con claridad, es maravilloso. Me sentí profundamente identificado. Gracias!
Sí, es una hermosura! Muchas gracias!
So beautiful words of calmness.
I pray this daily and is the first feeling after I wake up.
Let's raise this prayer together, then.
United we are stronger!