I haven't tried this. I like the head buzz though as it helps me focus and removes haunting thoughts that force me to relive moments of my life I'd rather not have to experience again. Only smoking gives me the desired effects. And I'll admit, sometimes I just like to be fucked up.
I enjoy these fun science experiments though. I save all my bud stems until I have enough that will fill an oldschool camera film container when chopped fine. This film container resembles a salt shaker. I drilled many small holes in the lid. I place a coffee filter on top of the container then press the lid down, fasten it further with elastics so it can't pop off. Then there's a special hole on the bottom. I stick the nozzle from a can of butane lighter fluid into that hole and press. That shoots the butane through the chopped stems and out the holes on top. I collect the liquid that comes out in a glass dish. It boils and evaporates at room temperature but placing the dish near an old school light bulb speeds up the process. All that's left after some time is THC concentrate goo and I've been doing this since way before dabs were 'cool'. Even though it's only made from the stems, it's still really potent stuff.
I made the mistake of doing that indoors once. Never again.
I have had some really great high THC strains, but I wanted to make sure it wasn't too much of a head high with this batch. That sounded like a crazy science experiment that you were making.
Not too crazy. That's one way to extract THC out of weed. I just had to improvise and make my own extractor. At first I felt like a genius but that eventually wore off.