Time to cook

I recently made my first batch of canna-butter and I think it turned out pretty awesome. For the recipe, I looked up a bunch of different ways to make it and decided to go with the crock pot method.
I used a high CBD strain because I wanted to use this butter more as a therapeutic recipe for pain and not one to feel a high. I wanted to make something that I could cook breakfast with and still be able to function normally for the next 6 hours or so.
So with all of the research and stuff I had been doing, I found out that decarboxylation is the most important first step when making canna-butter. But what is decarboxylation? "Decarboxylation is the process that activates compounds in cannabis such as THC"source
So basically, if you don't decarb your weed before you cook with it, you won't get any of the effects from the different cannabinoids and if you do get any, it will be minimal compared to if you had decarbed the weed.

I took about 3.5 grams of flower and then grinded it up and laid it out on a piece of parchment paper and then set it in the oven on 220 degrees. I read that with a high CBD strain, you need to leave it in the oven longer than a high THC strain, so I had it in the oven for about 60 minutes.
I had never really cooked with weed before, so I wasn't sure how much this small amount would make my house smell, but about 10 minutes in the oven and my house started to smell like a dispensary. I didn't really mind the smell at all, but I was hoping that no one would come to my door while I was cooking because the smell just got stronger and stronger throughout the day.

After my weed was done in the oven, I poured it into a mixture of 1 cup of water and 4 sticks of butter. The water is in there to remove some of the impurities once everything is finished because the butter and water separate as the butter cools off.
I cooked it in the crock pot on low for about 5 hours and stirred the mixture every 30 minutes or so. I want to get a crockpot that I can set an exact temperature on so I can make sure not to burn the butter and make it too hot. I read that about 160 degrees is what you want to have the temperature at while it cooks. Everything I read said to go as slow as possible with it and the longer it cooks, the better because more of the cannabinoids are released into the oils.

When it was done cooking, I poured it all into a container and set up my cheesecloth on the container that I was going to store the butter in. As you can see, there is a bunch of shit on the bottom and you need to make sure to get rid of all the pieces of weed too.

After I strained it through the cheesecloth, I set it in the fridge overnight so it can cool off. By the time it had cooled off in the morning, there was a layer of hard butter on the top of the watery liquid underneath, so I dumped the watery shit out and then slowly heated the butter up again and strained it through another cheesecloth and then cooled it again so there wasn't any liquid left in it.
Making canna-butter is pretty straight forward and a lot easier than I thought it would have been. It is just a time consuming process and you need to be prepared for the smell because my home smelled like weed for a couple days after. Most of the recipes called for about an ounce of weed to go into the butter, but I only did the 3.5 grams because I am still learning and messing up with an ounce of weed is a pretty expensive mistake to make.
I have used the butter on my waffles in the morning and I could feel a nice relief from some of my back pain. Last night I made popcorn and used probably about 4 tablespoons of the butter and all my pain was gone and I had a nice body high, without any of the head high that I would normally feel from edibles.
Overall, it was a pretty fun experience to make my own canna-butter. I am looking forward to getting more into cooking with my weed and seeing what I can create.
Thanks for taking the time to stop by. If you have any cool recipes for cooking with cannabis, let me know and I will see if I can make it.
Brilliant.. this makes it seem easy!! I had to giggle about the house smelling of dope - oops.
Last time I made butter I made cookies and they were so strong I hallucinated, and my housemates wanted to call an ambulance as one of them couldn't feel their knees. I walked out the back door and couldn't find my way back into the house for an hour. Imaginary people were talking in my room all night. Removing the THC content is the only way I'll make it again.
That is hilarious. But ya, you should try a CBD strain for your butter if you just want to get some good medicinal effects without all of that other stuff. The butter did make my face feel numb for about 20 mins though. But it made me nice and relaxed.
haha, I know the feeling. Last year summer a friend made cookies with dope. Never been that fucking high in my life. it was more like synthetic drugs and and the effect lasted for about 4 hours :)
I haven't tried this. I like the head buzz though as it helps me focus and removes haunting thoughts that force me to relive moments of my life I'd rather not have to experience again. Only smoking gives me the desired effects. And I'll admit, sometimes I just like to be fucked up.
I enjoy these fun science experiments though. I save all my bud stems until I have enough that will fill an oldschool camera film container when chopped fine. This film container resembles a salt shaker. I drilled many small holes in the lid. I place a coffee filter on top of the container then press the lid down, fasten it further with elastics so it can't pop off. Then there's a special hole on the bottom. I stick the nozzle from a can of butane lighter fluid into that hole and press. That shoots the butane through the chopped stems and out the holes on top. I collect the liquid that comes out in a glass dish. It boils and evaporates at room temperature but placing the dish near an old school light bulb speeds up the process. All that's left after some time is THC concentrate goo and I've been doing this since way before dabs were 'cool'. Even though it's only made from the stems, it's still really potent stuff.
I made the mistake of doing that indoors once. Never again.
I have had some really great high THC strains, but I wanted to make sure it wasn't too much of a head high with this batch. That sounded like a crazy science experiment that you were making.
Not too crazy. That's one way to extract THC out of weed. I just had to improvise and make my own extractor. At first I felt like a genius but that eventually wore off.
That butter looks amazing! I use the crock pot as well. Lately I’ve been using coconut oil, and add Sunflower Lecithin. Check this out.
Can't wait to see more of magick butter 🙂
I tried doing this with THC only and the result was really great, I'd be curious to try this CBD one.
From what i see, the result looks great.
Interesting. What kind of Strain is this? How high is the cbd proportion?
That`s the strongest I can get here in germany legally. it´s 13,92 % CBD. Guess it´s not worth it to make butter out of this?! smoking it does have a little effect on me.
Ya, I have found that most of the recipes are calling for a lot of weed. Good thing I am growing my own now and have other friends that grow and give me some to play around with. I should have about a pound coming from a friend in the next two months. Then I am going to be really going crazy with recipes.