Brilliant.. this makes it seem easy!! I had to giggle about the house smelling of dope - oops.
Last time I made butter I made cookies and they were so strong I hallucinated, and my housemates wanted to call an ambulance as one of them couldn't feel their knees. I walked out the back door and couldn't find my way back into the house for an hour. Imaginary people were talking in my room all night. Removing the THC content is the only way I'll make it again.
That is hilarious. But ya, you should try a CBD strain for your butter if you just want to get some good medicinal effects without all of that other stuff. The butter did make my face feel numb for about 20 mins though. But it made me nice and relaxed.
haha, I know the feeling. Last year summer a friend made cookies with dope. Never been that fucking high in my life. it was more like synthetic drugs and and the effect lasted for about 4 hours :)