Well not really experience as such .. I had an unusual black mark/lump come up on my skin a couple of years back so carried out loads of research into it .. but eventually found out it was a splinter that had been in my skin for a few years and my body was pushing it out. But still I retained the knowledge .. and besides, I'd recommend black seed for most issues .. its an incredible natural medicine.
With the organic eggplants .. remove the stems and use a pestle and mortar to grind them down. Put in a glass jar .. add organic cider vinegar (with mother) then leave to sit for about 5 days, can't remember if best on the side or in the fridge. But when ready strain off the liquid and apply to area a few times a day. Also if you can grab yourself some medicinal cannabis oil, that is also well worth applying. Glad to hear its much better .. just keep a close eye on it. :)