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RE: Is This a Real Ritual for my Spirituality? | Masters of Our Temple

This is so true. So many people just want to follow, they want to be told what is true and what to do, because it removes the responsibility for their actions and their life from themselves. They are afraid of that responsibility, of making choices for themselves. So they find someone that feels good to follow, and often will follow them to their own oblivion, even when there are red flags everywhere that this is not a good path.
I want more people to not be afraid to take the reins of their own life and direct their own path, but I'm not sure how to encourage that in those who are afraid. That fear that they have leads to a lot of harm in the world, though; more than just to themselves, when their leader/teacher/guru/etc. gains real power.
Some traditions say that this following instinct is a virtue ("be like sheep"), but I disagree, because there will always be those who will take advantage, whether that's a corrupt false guru or a king or politician. I'm not saying that people shouldn't be humble, but they also need to discern and question, too!

Look for it in your true temple, the heart.

Love this line. Very beautiful. :)


 4 years ago  

Humans get used to following a leader, when this is not necessary. No one can decide for you and no one else, you are the owner of your life and your decisions. Now this motivational ''guru'' thing is what I call a black and negative stain on true fulfillment. We have to be very careful with these things, we look for the answers but sometimes we make the mistake of looking for them where there are none.

Thank you for reading and for your nice comment. :D