Ha ha... my mate Tom keeps saying to me 'why are you doing a ketamine only diet?'
I'd give the coke a good ole blast to shift the fatigue but I've tried that technique in the past and it only leads to trouble 😂
Also, I've been trading BTC... and you don't need any coke doing that shiz as the heart levels end up dangerously high as it seesaws hundreds of $$$ ever few minutes 😉
I'd avoid the Special K diet and of course cocaine comes with massive moral dilemmas... although it is good for weight loss of course...
so many dilemmas!! I'm gonna stay chubby :O)
Ha, Im resigning myself to tjat too. Keeping it real. X
There is a certain relief and happiness in not attempting to change some things.
Not that I'm advocating giving up of course!!
😂 😂
Yeah, I'll leave the special K diet for another incarnation I think... or maybe none 😉
Ha ha, tbh the lengthy withdrawal type symptoms from this keto diet are enough to put me off hard drugs!!!
In all seriousness, I think I'm getting a combo effect with caffeine, sugar and carb withdrawal. The triple whammy 🤪
Ooooow, trading the BTC. There go where the brave fear to tread!!!
Yeah, all that nonsense is best left in the past! :OD
Good decision boomy. To be honest if it weren't for the crazy symptoms I've had for the last 4 years from the chronic gut condition, I would be very happy to eat and drink myself mental.
Man... now I'm thinking about crumpets 🤯🤪
Mmmm, how buttered crumpets. I love them. I hadnt eaten them for years until I started getting them for my kids!
Ahhh man.... you're killing me with the descriptions of buttered crumpets! One of my fav treats b4 I undertook this 'no carb nightmare' 😉
Here's one for ya to try. Butter, then a small amount of caramelized onion chutney and melted grilled cheese... on the crumpets.
That is crumpet nirvana.
That sounds magic!! I tell you what, I will have something very similar tomorrow in honour of ya ;0p