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RE: Evolution Doesn't Care: Plus a Spot of 'Wild' Swimming

in Natural Medicine3 months ago

God, hah. Evolution though, it's just science. I don't think you can argue much with the fossil records. Interpretation of by man, perhaps, but it's the best we have. I mean, there's fossils everywhere - cells in the rocks, bacteria, fish, lizards, dinosaurs. I find it hard not to believe in it. What makes you doubtful? Interested.


Crikey, that’s a huge question. In very short:
The theory of evolution requires billions of years, a single cell organism coming into being spontaneously and evolving through genetic mutation, jellyfish into fish etc
Methods of dating are so unreliable it’s impossible to say with any certainty how old the world is and consensus is more apparent than real. Contrary evidence tends to be ignored.
No example has ever been found of ‘change in kind’
Lack of transitional fossils and the number of science hoaxes such as Piltdown man and Nebraska man.
I think dinosaurs are likely a hoax. No complete skeleton has ever been found. The dinosaurs we see on display are imaginative reconstructions from bone pieces, in some cases a single bone or tooth.
It's a matter of trusting the science, and I don't.

 3 months ago  

Hmm, I've heard these kind of doubts before. I think carbon dating is way more reliable these days, there's been some remarkable breakthroughs.

I guess over billions of years the chance a single cell will mutate gets higher... But also, we can see real time mutation in bacteria in a single lifetime... So extrapolate that change over billions of years and it's definitely possible.

Radiometric dating, dendrochronology, and ice core analysis are pretty reliable these days when cross referenced and they consistently align with one another - modern dating methods are waaaaay more reliable than they used to be and there's less and less error.

Also evolution describes gradual changes over time, not abrupt changes in kind - there's loads of fossils that show a bridge between kinda. And they have even been able to tweak genes - I was reading about how it's only two genes between a beak and a more dinosaur like mouth and when they tweaked those in chickens they got very dinosaur like embryos. It's amazing how closely the very young human embryo resembles a fish .. evolution seems to just reuse and take what works rather than magical transformations.

Ah Piltdown Man! Classic hoax. But science now SETS OUT to debunk every hypothesis - no longer grasping at bullshit to support a hypothesis like they used ro. I think we get a lot less hoaxes now because science is much better at disproving. Science now actually sets out to debunk, and if they can't, some kind of truth is set. It is self-correcting, always. That's the science I trust these days. That's what science IS. Everything else is politics and dreams.

Look at the BIG fossil finds of recent times like Archaeopteryx which linked dinosaurs and birds and there's the whale ancestors with hind limbs. And they've found loads in the last few years and even can now trace DNA back way farther than they used to. There have been a few complete dinosaurs like T. rex and reconstructions isn't as random imagination as it used to be when they gap filled without evidence. Most of that has been unravelled and they are way more careful and accurate now and don't embellish like they used to at all.

I guess trust comes from consistent evidence and self-correction - whilst it has been dubious at points it's getting better - lots of rigorous challenging is what real science is all about. Old science, not so much. Modern science, yes. I think it's sad how science has been cherry picked and used to support political and institutional ends which isn't the fault of real science but the people using it.

I won't argue with you since your information is a lot more up to date than mine. It's years since I researched this stuff, though it was something I was fascinated with at one time. Indeed I heard both Matt Ridley and Richard Dawkins speak in Dublin in the 90s. I wasn't aware a full TREX skeleton had been discovered, though I'm not surprised to find it was it was unearthed by professional fossil hunters. I understand the Chinese do a roaring trade in fake fossils:)

 3 months ago  

the Chinese do a roaring trade in fake fossils

Ha yeah they do!!! But also some pretty important fossils have come out of China that have provided gaps.

I guess coz I'm married to a physicist I understand a lot about what science IS - as he says, it's usually 'the very best theory we have' but that it's always 'evolving' excuse the pun. It's easy to get scullduggery mixed up with proper science and once we have heard that it's very hard to have trust in it again.

I don't know, I see the absolute passion that drives a lot of science and really admire what people have done and how hard they work. It's totally fascinating how old theories are replaced all the time! As I said, real, proper science isn't designed to mislead us at all.

I absolutely love the story of evolution as it's constantly reassessing itself!

I'd go as far as to say that science is constantly reassessing itself and much of our current science will prove to be bunk. I mean, after all, we used to believe we landed on the moon:)

 3 months ago  
