Is frequency truly the medicine of the future?

in Natural Medicinelast year (edited)


I was not aware till researching this series that Einstein once said "future medicine will be the medicine of frequencies" and having now reviewed for you six frequency healing devices currently on the market, all of which come with glowing testimonials, it seems clear that the future is now. But don't be too hasty to assume your new device will fix all your problems. The real work has only just begun...

A few final thoughts now and a review of comments from hive users in relation to their direct experience with these devices, good or bad.

Previous instalments can be found here:

Which devics am I most interested in?

I am looking at these devices for two people predominantly. My step-father and my daughter, both of whom have issues to fix. But with that said I am not averse to the idea of using a device myself to see if I can increase the amount of energy I have or perhaps to increase my hair growth further, or even to re-grow my missing tooth??? I believe all these things are possible with frequency.

For my step-father I am recommending the Mini Magic PEMF device as a good starting place because PEMF devices already have a great track record in easing the symptoms of Parkinsons disease. This along with a free voice analysis from the Sound Health Portal in order that he may know clearly what deficiencies he needs to fix.

For Luna I am going to buy a Spooky2 (XM Generator) which can generate the specific frequency relating to her atrophied ocular motor nerve. With the provided remote device I can also work on my step-father at the same time (once he sends me his DNA) using frequencies which are specific to Parkinsons. Or indeed to the deficiencies which are soon to be highlighted by the voice analysis.

Can food be replaced with frequency?

The Spooky2 XM Generator provides the frequencies for vitamins & minerals which create exactly the same effect as taking them in a physical form. So does this also mean that we can order up the frequency for a huge bowl of home-grown salad and receive the effects accordingly?

Am aware that the ancient buildings of Tartaria are known for their lack of toilets. Indeed, even the Palace of Versailles (which is evidently of Tartarian design) here in France was not built with them in mind.


The Palace of Versailles had no toilets as we know them until the 18th century. source

But why start planning this wonderful building (in 1624) while omitting this important aspect of life?

Well, I would say the people who built the palace didn't need toilets. And I'm not saying they chose to do it outside in the palace gardens, but rather they simply didn't poop. Something happened in the 18th century (a reset perhaps?) which erased that type of human, replacing them with less enlightened humans who were not capable of getting their sustenance directly from the Aether.

As a part-time sun-gazer I can tell you that the more you do it, the less hungry you feel. This is a direct consequence of receiving the right frequency (orange light frequency directly into the eyes) for a dedicated period of the day at sunrise and sunset.


Food can be looked at as stored light energy and the more you 'eat' of it, the less you need its physical counterpart.

This is not my goal as I enjoy the whole caring/growing/eating process behind food, understanding now this is a part of maintaining a healthy & spiritually connected body, but I know of other sungazers who no longer eat at all. And importantly here, they no longer poop.

So could it be that our ancestors were lightyears ahead of us with their knowledge of how to use frequency? And by feeding themselves non-physically they bypassed the need for toilets? Just some food for thought there ;)

In reference to this post I doubt very much they used machines to achieve this goal. More likely they were capable of achieving sustenance through their daily spiritual practices but what I see happening over and over today is the old natural systems (which were available to ALL humans) being re-discovered and effectively turned into machines which are available only to those who learn of their existence and can afford the products. Such machines, while extremely useful, ultimately make us lazy, forever unaware of our capabilities.

So while I do think these machines are fantastic and immensely helpful in reminding us of the power of frequency I don't necessarily think this is a one-size-fits-all solution to our problems. Rather it is a great starting point and kick-start to our health. But with this knowledge we must seek to better understand the natural equivalents and implement them into our lives.

I mean let's be honest here. How much effort does it really take to look at the sun for 5-10 mins in the morning and repeat the process in the evening? Not much. But how many of us have the belief, the time, the energy or even the right location for this simple ritual in our busy lives? Just to be clear, one would need to build up slowly to a period of 44mins (looking directly at the sun) in the morning and evening to achieve non-physical sustenance. So that's 1h 28mins per day to achieve a frequency based 'diet'. A useful skill to have in the testing times ahead.

Just as a quick side-note, in all my time sungazing in London I never came across another person who was there in the park to do the same thing as me. Except the amazing @sebcam, whose Love & Light is still shining bright today, twelve years later.


But would our lives be the same today if we had just discovered some device that we sat in front of, in the comfort of our homes? I don't think so.

Doing it the natural way has been infinitely better.

Hive user feedback

A series like this offers opportunity to interact with this great community and get some direct feedback, providing clues about the effectiveness of these devices and the industry at large.

Energy Enhancement technology, by Dr. Sandra Rose Michael. I had a look and was impressed by the number of centres around the world where you can just check in for a while and get a solid boost of scalar waves.First up @bigorna1 mentioned

Our nearest centre is around Monaco.
Screenshot 2023-08-24 at 22.23.59.png

The machines which produce the scalar waves look a lot like computers, running a more colourful blocky version of the matrix code.

Their least expensive system seen here.
Screenshot 2023-08-24 at 22.21.21.png

While a detachable four piece system (required as a minimum for any healing space) will set you back $28,000.

This is rather out of my price range but I am interested to see prices for their walk-in centres.

cancer clinic in Mexico which predominantly uses light & sound therapies.@kriszrokk mentioned Dr. Tony Jimenez who runs a

His approach looks perfect.

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Therapies on offer seen here.

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Then @schlafhacking talked about the Braindex, indicating they used to have one.

Braindex is a device that uses an Extremely Low-Frequency Electromagnetic Field (ELF-EMF) to stimulate and synchronize your brainwave for boosting overall health. source.

A decent video here.

Powered by AI, Braindex learns and predicts your personal habits accurately, and delivers the best healthy routine in Auto mode. source

Looks like a very interesting product at just $99.

@schlafhacking confirmed the device to have had a positive effect.

They also mentioned in a separate post how "I still own a Bicom bioresonance device from the late 1990ies and it still does its job" and I am blown away not only by the foresight of this person but the length of time such devices have been available to the public at affordable prices.

@goldenoakfarm told us that a friend of hers "bought a type of Rife machine to treat his son’s Lyme disease", explaining she has been aware of such machines since the year 2000. I asked if they were able to cure the disease with the machine and the answer was "No, I don’t think so. But it did improve some of his symptoms." Indeed, as I mentioned, these machines should not be regarded as a cure but a starting place for the road to perfect health.

@xplosive mentioned how "Shortwave treatment exists since many decades" and I observed how the major change in the last few years has been the number of different wavelengths available to us. Terahertz waves being a good example of this, which were in the past thought to be impossible to replicate.

@woelfchen pointed out under my review of The Healy how there are many scams going on in this marketplace and I agree. People will pay crazy sums of money if they think it will save their life and this is too tempting an opportunity for the ethically void amongst us:

Just be careful. As the narradigma (dogmatic narrative) is breaking up there will be a lot a chaos and especially scam, low level cash grabs as people open up their view and try to get their hands on cool stuff. Nothing new, already happening since quite some time and especially with the one you promote in your post here, I am very sceptical. Have not heard good about it...

Thank you for the warning and certainly there is nothing new under the sun here. Just old ideas being re-hashed and packaged up for convenience. Some of which, needless to say, will be less effective than others. If at all.

To counter @woelfchen's thoughts on The Healy we have @kriszrokk again who tells us this:

A friend of mine uses Healy to heal her tumor. She also used it on her grandmother. It's practical and easy to use. I have never used it myself therefore I can only pass on the positive feedback I received from my friend.

I asked her for any further details she could give us and she very kindly came back to me with this:

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Thank you @kriszrokk & friend for these valuable insights.

And thank you also for reminding me of Dr. Joe Dispenza, whose amazing books helped me understand over a decade ago why I struggled to meditate. This connects perfectly with a comment from our new friend on the blockchain @brainofalion:

ultimately we should be able to do everything with our minds only

Yes indeed. This must be the goal. And perhaps we need nothing more than guided meditations to get there.

Our brain is of course a frequency generator.


Learn to use this generator effectively and you will learn to heal your own body without the need for any devices.

But until you are at that point, these machines will greatly help you on your journey and at the very least reveal the specifics of what is wrong in your body, permitting you to begin the research-based road to recovery.

To answer the question "is frequency the medicine of the future?" from where I am standing it is a resounding yes, but it is important to recognise as we awaken from two centuries of devolution slumber and get back to our natural ways that the real journey here is an internal one. And machines will only help us part of the way.

I think with that I will wrap this series up now.

Please don't hesitate to send me further information if you feel like it might be of interest.

Love & Light everyone 🌱

future medicine pic.jpg

Art images were made by myself and the Midjourney bot.
Prompts available on request.


If we can replace our energy source with light, I’m curious, what happens to our intestines when we do so? Do they atrophy like other muscles that aren’t used? What about our gut biome, something that gets talked about so much these days? Does it continue to promote itself, possibly from nutrients in the liquids we take in, or from the nutrients our bodies make from light energy?

And if we don’t need our guts for digesting food and ridding ourselves of the waste it leaves inside of us, then why do our bodies have them?

Interesting things to think about. I don’t know any full-time sun gazers myself.

Great questions. And urine is the answer I believe. Probably should have mentioned this in the article. So, faeces is a waste product and if we don't eat, it will no longer be produced. However, urine is far from a waste product, packed with so many useful things which are beneficial to the body when re-ingested. I have written posts about this in the past but in a nutshell urine is our personal feed-back medicine, incredibly beneficial if you drink it on a daily basis. Which I do. Personally I just have a glass in the morning (giving me instant information about how my diet was the day before) but I know of other people who just drink everything they produce. So, I believe our ancestors drank their urine. Obviously I cannot say for sure but I imagine the gut & intestine health is maintained perfectly in this way.

I am also in contact with a person who did a 30 day urine fast. He drank everything he produced for 30 days with no other input except water. Rather than getting sick in this period (as people might imagine based on their brainwashing around urine) instead he felt great and cured himself of many ailments, so continued to drink it every day and now lectures around the world on the subject of urine therapy (UT).

Worth noting here than plenty of mammals regularly drink their own urine (monkeys included). And humans are mammals, most similar to monkeys in terms of anatomy.

So is it really such a crazy idea? I don't think so. Perception is just such a powerful thing and we have been taught to think of it as disgusting & dangerous if ingested. All by design.

Being a full-time sungazer is a dream of mine but sadly unachievable on the north side of a mountain. This is a good time of year for me but in a month the sun will already be too bright by the time it gets over the mountain in the morning. So I am a seasonal sungazer. But one day I will live in the perfect spot to maintain the whole year!

I was walking around at 5:30 this morning doing some sun gazing and thinking about my question and realized that location and seasons would be one reason why we would need to eat for at least some of the year and so need intestines and whatnot.

Watching my baby breastfeed this morning and thinking about how that creates fecal matter, that added to the mystery a little. Perhaps, if as you postulate, in the past people weened themselves off food (at least partially) as they grew older.

Urine, that’s an interesting addition to the equation. A few years ago, I drank mine in the morning for a month or so, but for one reason or another discontinued the habit.

What is the man’s name you mentioned in your comment? I’d be curious to read about his story and UT.

I don't really follow why seasons or location would dictate our need for food?

Good point with the breast milk and yes, perhaps we are cursed (or blessed!) to be born with a physical need for food. And it is our job attain a less physical type of existence as we grow older.

The man I mentioned is called Dave Murphy. He can be found on YT as dmurphy25 or allegedlydave.

A decent interview with him on the subject here.

Excellent you tried it a few years ago. Why did you stop?

I just meant that depending on our location or season, our access to sunlight would change. It’s similar to you living on the north side of a mountain. I live in a very overcast and rainy/snowy region for much of the year, so if I were to try going food free, it might be more difficult (or impossible). I don’t know.

As for the urine, I didn’t really care for the taste or the feel it left in my mouth, I couldn’t tell if it was having any results, and mostly I was worried that my wife and kids would think I was losing my mind if I brought it up and talked about it with them. Plus, I didn’t research the topic deeply. I had just heard that it could be beneficial and thought I’d give it a try.

Ah right! I see now.

Probably should have explained more in the post but sungazing is not the only way to achieve the non physical food goal. Breatharians claim to be able to do the same thing just by breathing! And for what it's worth, it is written in the Mahabharata that one can achieve this goal also through meditation.

I know the family thinking we are weird feeling! haha. I have been drinking my urine in front of them and encouraging them all to drink their own for many years now. For a while the children seemed interested and had no problem drinking their own, but it didn't stick. Now they just think I am weird again! But even when I have drunk it, washed my face with it, put it in my ears & up my nose, Sabrina never comments that I smell bad when she gives me my morning kiss ;)

Did you know that if a person gets bitten by a venomous snake, the anti-venom is produced instantly by the body in the urine. So those of us who are capable of drinking down the golden nectar in such moments will very likely survive the bite, while those of us who don't may not. I like to imagine that my children will remember how they already used to drink it a long time ago, so this won't be a problem for them. Should we ever happen to encounter this situation!

Ah yes, one other story from an elderly German lady I know here who remembers a time in her childhood when everyone in her village would put their urine into a large container in a public space. In this way people could get easy access to it when they needed a lot.

Mostly I just use it as a plant fertiliser ;)

One part urine / ten parts water.

I mean let's be honest here. How much effort does it really take to look at the sun for 5-10 mins in the morning and repeat the process in the evening? Not much. But how many of us have the belief, the time, the energy or even the right location for this simple ritual in our busy lives?

I have the time. What is the right location? Simply a place, where you can look into the sun? In this case, I have the right location too. But does it really work? I have not even heard about this so far. Do you know anyone, who tried the sun gazing full time? I read that you tried it part-time, and the more you do it, the less hungry you feel.


Now that is an Einstein quote I have never heard before. Very powerful. Very thought provoking. I must say the Tartaria rabbit hole is what first introduced us to frequency. How much more has not been hidden from us?

It's a good one hey. That and a few others from Tesla in relation to frequency being at the heart of everything.

Yes, I suppose now you mention it, researching Tartaria did make me aware of their infatuation with antenna. Though I imagined it related more to energy production than to creating a frequency which was beneficial to humans, plants & animals. Even our local church here (constructed in 1676) is built with certain angles in mind which create a frequency measurable in the way plants grow. Nearer the church they go CRAZY. Further away not so much.

How much more is hiding in plain sight? A lot I would say! I think as our consciousness expands so too does the way in which we are able to see the world.

Great series Sam! The quintessence lies in your last paragraph:

the real journey here is an internal one

All these devices can be fantastic tools if we know how to deploy them, however, the key to living a healthy, joyous and blissful life lies within all of us. I'm glad I could provide you with valuable information.

It is the punchline of so many stories. The Alchemist comes to mind in this moment. A great outward journey is made only to discover the treasure was back home all along. But without the outward journey certain realisations would not be made and the inward journey would not be able to commence. Without which the treasure is not visible. Punchline = look inward but don't be afraid to go on a big journey!

Have a great weekend :)

re-grow my missing tooth

You must read this:

I'm sure you will be delighted! :-)

This is excellent! I actually managed to read most of it.

Wonderful testimonials.

Makes me wonder if I shouldn't have become a preacher after all ;)

I like the idea God puts fillings in there so that people may have some kind of evidence.

Though I don't feel ready to give my life to God as these people did. Religion seems heavily compromised in its modern form.

Thanks for the info!

A good friend of mine, who knows that religion is nothing but programming of the masses, said: "God has no religion." So true!
It's mind-boggling that most people cannot separate the two things - believing in God (or any kind of higher power), and belonging to a certain religion.

Actually, it completely escaped me that there was a mention of "giving one's live to God" in the pamphlet. To me, the essential statement of this booklet is that it is possible to heal teeth, and even re-grow them. Everything else is window dressing to me. :-)

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