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RE: Turmeric, how to take it every day / La curcuma, come assumerla ogni giorno

in Natural Medicine8 months ago

Wow that's a lot of benefits! Here is a recipe that includes turmeric, it's called "Thai curry." (In case you want to make some:

Here is another recipe that has turmeric as well. My mama drinks it almost every morning. Heat up some milk (it does not matter what type, but I recommend cow milk). Put in 1 teaspoon of turmeric, then 1/2 a teaspoon of pepper. Once your milk is warm pour it in. Put in a little bit of honey, stir and you are done! It might sound bad, but it actually tastes good. I hope you enjoy!

How did the barber win the race?

He knew a shortcut! Keep up the good work @ghilvar