Liza The Cat, naturism, bach flowers, Reiki love and nutrition/ Third part.
In my last two post about the health issue of my cat, I mentioned that I passed through different medicines to cure her. Due to the pandemia, I have had time to observing her behavior inside the herd. Remember I have under my protecction eleven cats in caracas, and about ten in yagoarundi proyect in chichiriviche de la costa.
I have been giving Liza Bach Flowers, and triyng to re-introduce her in the herd. She is a kind of rejected cat for a new part of my pack of cats, and thouse cats do not want her, permanently bother her.
Certanly she is better about her health, her skin is regenerating, she has better humor, but the big issue is acceptation. She is a big cat, so she can fight, but still remainds indifferent and emotionally distant from a part of the group. I finally came to the conclussion she is depressed.
What I am doing is apply Bach Flowers and homeopatic medicine to the rest of the pack of cats, Berberis + rennel in water to destroy the emotional pattern of isolation between my felines.
Also Centaury, Chicory and Heather for Liza, who needs more than recognition and love from their surroundings to survive.
Finally remember that Liza suffered an early separation from her mother and siblings, this generated in the cat a lack of self-control, especially when he is nervous, also having a more insecure character and less sociable with other cats. Then Teo, her partner die.
And this is my problem, I insist in cure her because I love my family cats, and my wish is every member live the best they can.
If you want to know more about this story visit my previous posts:
Liza El Gato, el naturismo, las flores de bach, el amor al Reiki y la nutrición /Tercera parte.
En mis dos últimos post sobre el tema de la salud de mi gato, mencioné que pasé por diferentes medicinas para curarla. Debido a la pandemia, he tenido tiempo de observar su comportamiento dentro de la manada. Recuerden que tengo bajo mi protección once gatos en caracas, y unos diez en el proyecto yagoarundi en chichiriviche de la costa.
Le he estado dando flores a Liza Bach, y tratando de reintroducirla en la manada. Es una especie de gato rechazado para una nueva parte de mi manada de gatos, y los gatos de casa no la quieren, la molestan permanentemente.
Ciertamente ella está mejor en cuanto a su salud, su piel se regenera, tiene mejor humor, pero el gran problema es la aceptación.Es una gata grande, así que puede pelear, eso no es un problema, pero aún así permanece indiferente y emocionalmente distante de una parte del grupo.
Es una gata grande, así que puede pelear, pero sigue siendo indiferente y emocionalmente distante de una parte del grupo. Finalmente llegué a la conclusión de que está deprimida.
Lo que estoy haciendo es aplicar las Flores de Bach y la medicina homeopática al resto de la manada de gatos, Berberis + rennel en agua para destruir el patrón emocional de aislamiento entre mis felinos.
También Centauro, Achicoria y Brezo para Liza, que necesita más que reconocimiento y amor de su entorno para sobrevivir.
Finalmente recordemos que Liza sufrió una temprana separación de su madre y hermanos, esto generó en el gato una falta de autocontrol, sobre todo cuando está nervioso, teniendo además un carácter más inseguro y menos sociable con otros gatos. Luego Teo, su compañero muere.
Y este es mi problema, insisto en curarla porque amo a los gatos de mi familia, y mi deseo es que cada miembro viva lo mejor posible.
Si quieren saber más sobre esta historia, visiten mis dos post previos:
I love cats, I have 4 and the truth is that they have very complex personalities to the rest of the pets. It is very difficult to keep so many animals together, I admire you for what you do, you are a love person for what you are doing for them. The good thing is that when they become adults, they can defend themselves, but you have to be careful because many times fear can interrupt their evolution.
Much love for the cats, blessings!
Thanks for your comment @pavanjr. I´m sure Liza can defend herself, but she has suffered many loses, as you said cats are like human, sometimes have very complex personalities, very hard life experiences. I have had to studied a lot to help her, but observing the herd has been more usefull (my own natural medicine). And it is not only because each visit to the veterinay costs beetwen $10 and $25, it is because veterinarys don´t know much about cats.
I have always found cats to be solitary animals. I have three, from 3 generations and even though they are family, they all like to spend their time apart. Each one has such a different personality as well of course. Perhaps this cat of yours, just does not wish to be part of the herd and prefers the solitary life style? I really admire all that you do for him, they are such wonderful parts of our family after all. xxx
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Thanks for the curation. Right now, there is another cat named Kali helping Liza to be part again of my family - herd, she is a big cat hahahaha. It is funny because Kali is and is not part of the herd, she is very independent. Certainly I would do anything for my family - herd, the have been teaching to me how to live, what being human really means.