Free Occupational Therapy and Reiki advice wow bonus Thursday...
Wow, what a shocking title who thought that one up? It got you reading I hope. You may have got used to the Sunday Ramble well Thursday is the new space where the vibe goes all serious on you. Well, kinda serious ish. As many of you know I am an Occupational Therapist and Reiki Healer so I want to use this space to share some of my knowledge from these fields with you.
This newly named Bonus Thursday is your chance to get some free professional advice from me. Of course, this will be a basic form and I will draw you, in get your details and then charge you a small fortune for the real thing!
NO of course I won't, that's a corporate trick and I am anything but corporate.
In addition, I will be offering my service professionally and I deliver private sessions for a small cost that is affordable for you. But today is the free version! Please do feel free to get in touch to suggest a scenario or situation you would like me to broach and I will do my best to cover for you.
Routine or not to routine
The fundamental part of OT (occupational therapy) is routine. When you see one they will ask you about your routine, what time you get up when you go to bed and similar questions. Whilst I agree this is fundamental in achieving optimum living it's not the beginning. I am an OT and I still have routine issues (should I admit that?). We all know we should have a routine but there is a fine line between routine and monotonous. The most important thing is knowing yourself and having confidence in yourself. I am not saying you have to achieve this before all else works but acknowledge the work that needs to be done. Too often, we succumb to stereotypes and end up fulfilling that role and hiding our true selves deep down in our psyche. Even as a therapist my routine is not perfect by any means and I really have to work hard to maintain it using diaries and reminders to perform at a successful level.
What works then?
I hear you ask this. The first is to have a goal no matter how wild, I mean if your goal is jetting off to space and becoming the founder of the final frontier whilst riding a donkey clearly this is not realistic (although maybe I am being judgmental). However, there are elements of this you can utilise; an interest in space, interest for frontiers and donkeys. As OT's we love to break things down. A goal breaks down into short term goals, short term goals into goal ladders (oooh I love a goal ladder). From this goal ladder we find tasks we can achieve over a period of time you feel realistic. See the most important thing about OT is the individual and working out a plan that works for them. One plan might be a stroke of genius for one person and a complete catastrophe for another. The absolute key though is no pressure, if something feels like the pressure of a massive chore then it will fail. All plans need to be individualised but also graded (this is a favourite word in the OT community), which basically means progressing in steps appropriate for the individual. See it's all about the individual.
The most important thing of all...
The most important thing of all is the environment you engage in. This I can not reiterate enough. Often when down people don't want to go outside they would rather be in their room under the covers. I get this when I am down I feel the same. But getting into a pleasing environment literally does miracles. In my dissertation, I studied the effects of horticulture on individual mental health and boy does it do wonders. If you are prepared to do it barefoot we are cooking on gas as they say (but we will save that one for now). Obviously, the key is to have differing environments for different tasks and to make these all aesthetically pleasing to you.
The place to start however is your immediate environment, making it somewhere you choose to be. Having a safe space you can feel comfortable in when you need to retreat. However, this may look, it needs to be your space and of your design. That being said if you spend all your time in this space then the energy will become stagnant. When stagnant it will lose its calming energy and you will become less motivated to come out and engage.
Today's top tip
One of my favourite analogies to use is that of a hurdler. When running up to the first hurdle it can be daunting will you make it? Is it too high? Will I fall? What happens if I fall?
We all have these kinds of questions it's normal. The point is really focusing on that first hurdle and making it with all you have been taught when you make it you have a little more confidence and then you have that rhythm and it becomes routine and before you know it you a doing it without thinking.
And by taking these small steps will become easier and without you knowing the routine comes naturally and not forced 🙏🏽
So that's a wrap for today!
Connect with you next time... 🦶🏽💯🐒.
Om namah shivaya... 🙏🏽🌍📿
For Reiki vibrations contact @thebarefootot
Check these out, they work well for me: