Much has to do with their environment also. As Jaque Fresco, RIP once said sorta, if an intelligent, fast witted boy grows up in a fascist environment, he will become a fascist faster. Likewise, having the best access to education is nothing if the environment isn't fit for teaching the free world of tomorrow.
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Fresco was a dreamer, and despite the purity of his thoughts, he did not provide concrete ways of realizing his ideas. Fresco's ideas combine both realistic proposals and utopian elements. They serve more as inspiration for thinking about the future than as a ready-made plan of action.
The environment, for the most part, is being ruined by corporations for short-term profits. Among thousands of properly educated people, they will find one who is willing to destroy his home for a good paycheck....
And it is this problem that Fresco fails to expose: The resistance to the introduction of any just system by those who enjoy the ghosts of the power of the present system, its riches and imperfections...
Neither they nor their children, alas, will ever voluntarily give up wealth for justice. They will not lose "theirs", they will not give up their way of life in favor of you and me.
Any global change will not come without bloodshed.
You are spot on in your assessment here.
I personally will do my best to not participate in any bloodshed but if it may come to it, let it happen on my days and not on our children.
Thanks for the insight. It's much appreciated.