Orban Presents 12 Demands to the EU

in Political Hive6 days ago (edited)

"What does the Hungarian people demand from Brussels? Let there be peace, freedom, and unity,"

-wrote Orban before listing the demands:

  • "We demand a Europe of nations";
  • "We demand equality before the law for all member states";
  • Restore the competences "illegally taken away" from the states;
  • Ensure national sovereignty and strengthen the right of veto for national governments;
  • "Expel Soros' agents" from the European Commission and remove corrupt lobbyists from the European Parliament;
  • "Do not mortgage the future of our grandchildren" and eliminate EU debts;
  • Do not hinder the Hungarian national guard in protecting the country's borders, "do not import" migrants, and deport illegal immigrants from the EU;
  • Prohibit the entry of dollars and euros obtained through corruption into EU states;
  • Prohibit "unnatural re-education of our children";
  • Protect Europe's Christian heritage;
  • "We demand peace in Europe";
  • "A union—but without Ukraine."

It is noteworthy that Orban chose not just any Friday for his speech, but the Day of the Hungarian Revolution of 1848! 🏇

In general, it's all about equality, non-commitment, common sense! About what modern Europe is not burdened with.
For example, here's recent news from European Romania: "The Romanian Central Election Commission has rejected the candidacy of politician Diana Sosoake in the upcoming presidential elections because of her "pro-Russian, anti-European and anti-NATO views."
So Orban's call is a voice crying in the wilderness.

What a guy. He continues to push his agenda against the current.
It’s even a little scary for him. Troubled times for politicians focused on their country's internal interests.

Although Orbán is known for his nationalist and Eurosceptic views, personally, I feel that the European Union is sorely lacking such determined and independent politicians—naturally, with a healthy dose of this nationalism!

If we set aside the political, manipulative polemics, what is closer to you personally: conservative values or ideas of inclusivity? Would you prefer politicians more focused on the needs of their own constituents, or is it better when everyone follows a single coordinated course? Do you think the European Union has exhausted itself as a political structure, or does it still have bright prospects as a trade or military union, especially in the context of trade wars with the US?

Are you happy with your politicians, or is this not what the candidates promised you before the elections from posters and TV screens?
What part does politics take in your life? Are you too happy or too confused to get into it?

In your opinion, why are political topics not as popular on the hive as on other social networks? Have you encountered here what could be considered hidden censorship in the form of pressure, or down-voting of your points of view?

*instead of the standard footer that scares people away, I think it's worth coming up with something more interesting, more modern))
any ideas, or even better, art works?

What else can I ask you for the required amount of text?)))) It's your turn to express yourself! What do you think?


My opinion on the matter is that there are control freaks abound. Each wanting something from the existing force that benefits a group of people but not all of humanity.

I have said this many times before and can be read from many books, lectures and notes from many who have eyes to see: The only way government can truly serve mankind is for government to stop being government.


It is dependent on the individuals that make up government and the those who support it. The masses and the officials to let go of wanting to control others.

It won't happen overnight. But sometime tomorrow, all of earth will be present with the truth that we are all created equal and none more equal than others.

To get there, we have to purge the cult influence to be something very minimal. And it starts with educating our next generation of kids by not indoctrinating them into the superstition of authority.

No force necessary thank you.


Glad to see someone is joining the dialog. Greetings!

The idea is certainly interesting, but I can hardly imagine its realization. On a par with properly oriented upbringing of children grow up children of the so-called elite, children of the powerful.... All doors are open to them, money decides. So let's face it: they have a better chance to succeed having at least a good education, start or inheritance, and at most - a protectorate, a lobby. So the next generation will be quite predictably similar. With the same division between the honest and the rich, between the poor and the "people with iron grip", between voters and politicians....

Hence another dilemma:
What to teach the children? What is right, honest, useful, or what is profitable, profitable, successful? These are fundamentally different bases, which we have not yet fully grasped ourselves....

Thanks for participating!
Good luck;)

Much has to do with their environment also. As Jaque Fresco, RIP once said sorta, if an intelligent, fast witted boy grows up in a fascist environment, he will become a fascist faster. Likewise, having the best access to education is nothing if the environment isn't fit for teaching the free world of tomorrow.

Fresco was a dreamer, and despite the purity of his thoughts, he did not provide concrete ways of realizing his ideas. Fresco's ideas combine both realistic proposals and utopian elements. They serve more as inspiration for thinking about the future than as a ready-made plan of action.

The environment, for the most part, is being ruined by corporations for short-term profits. Among thousands of properly educated people, they will find one who is willing to destroy his home for a good paycheck....
And it is this problem that Fresco fails to expose: The resistance to the introduction of any just system by those who enjoy the ghosts of the power of the present system, its riches and imperfections...
Neither they nor their children, alas, will ever voluntarily give up wealth for justice. They will not lose "theirs", they will not give up their way of life in favor of you and me.
Any global change will not come without bloodshed.

You are spot on in your assessment here.

I personally will do my best to not participate in any bloodshed but if it may come to it, let it happen on my days and not on our children.

Thanks for the insight. It's much appreciated.

Restore the competences "illegally taken away" from the states;

Hungary should leave the EU, that simple, and, thus, it will return all the lost competencies and values and anything else.

Quite reasonable, but until that happens, they're in their right.... And these statements do not oblige anyone to do anything.
It can be seen as populism oriented to the demand of the electorate, or it can be interpreted in other ways...

Ursula is ✡️✡️✡️
His husband is also ✡️✡️✡️