Boooh yummi. And Mardi Gras is the day after Shrove Tuesday??? We call him Aschermittwoch... ash wednesday and it has no own colors. Thats interesting! And why KING cake?
You should bake one and make an explanation post :-D
Boooh yummi. And Mardi Gras is the day after Shrove Tuesday??? We call him Aschermittwoch... ash wednesday and it has no own colors. Thats interesting! And why KING cake?
You should bake one and make an explanation post :-D
The cake is sometimes called 3Kings Cake. King cake season officially begins on January 6th and ends on Mardi Gras day. The last time I was in New Orleans, restaurants still had King Cake on the dessert menu a week after Mardi Gras. I took full advantage of it! It's not something we find in the bakeries here in the northern part of the country.