
It's simple peasant food. Make arepa dough but a bit firmer. Make buns and drop them in boiling water with a little salt, like dumplings. Believe me, it's nothing special but my heart is with those buns, hehe. I got that software at an early age.

I hope you can get some good sleep everyday. Whatever is depriving you from due resting must stop or you'll get sick.

Everyday, I meet inconsiderate people who won't respect other people's right to rest well, even in their own houses. Most of the time loud music is the issue.

Thanks for the tip. I'm going to try it.

I just have constant chatter in my head. If not that, the guy upstairs is up to no good as well as his playing guitar and singing really loud.

Going to bed at 3 or 4 am doesn't help but I need to wind down after work.

Oh well such is life in the big city.😒