Vegetable & Sirloin Sandwiches with Labneh Dressing || Foodie Contest :)

Hi, foodies in the Hive!

Foodie ContestI hope you're all doing great and in good health. Big thank you to @sirenahippie for hosting the , 😁 and to @sagarkothari88 for all the support 💙 Check out the link and join in! Or just come for the food.

LO, sandwiches! 😁


Origins, origins:

I'm sure that if the Greeks already had cheesecake BC, they surely already had sandwiches as modern as today. In fact, I'm sure that 3 or 4 million years ago, as soon as Lucy's cousins were able to roll food into edible sheets, the first gluten-free wrap was born, ha ha ha ha ha. Let's just say that according to me, who has zero authority on the matter, humans have been eating sadwiches since much longer than the 18th century, as known in pop culture: which has it that sandwich was supposedly named after the 4th Earl of Sandwich (mid-18th century), who ate his food inside two slices of bread so as not to leave the gaming table. What do you think? I think the Flinstones did eat sandwiches, LOL.


We only need one or two slices of bread and put our favorite fillings on them, et voilà! We have a sandwich.


When I was a child,
my favorite sandwich was the simplest you can imagine: cheese sandwich. My mother would butter it with Torondoy butter and fresh cheese; then she would toast it in a pan, pressing it hard with a lid until it was nice and flat and crispy; then she would serve it to me with a cup of latte. This sandwich has a special place in my heart and I like to make it when I'm feeling sick or sad. Food therapy.

But we're not eating cheese sandwiches today. Instead, let me treat you to some good sized, very tasty and quite healthy sandwiches.

This is my entry to the Foodie Contest for Sandwiches.



This sandwich has homemade beet and rosemary skillet bread; you'll find in its filling different flavors and textures. The challenge was to be able to fill this sandwich with nine ingredients, among which we could not count the bread or the dressings.


These were the fillings I used:
  • 5-ingredient coleslaw: cabbage, carrot, granny smith, green onion, and green pepper

  • cucumbers with yogurt

  • grilled eggplant slices with oregano and pepper

  • meat with sesame seeds

  • red onion

It was a challenge for me indeed, as I don't think I have ever put more than five ingredients on a sandwich. The same criteria applies for pizza.

  • First of all, there was the issue of taste:

I believe that too many flavors together end up being no flavor at all. It's different with textures, with which I prefer as varied as possible.

  • Then there was practicality:

Too many ingredients make it almost impossible to eat your sandwich without making a mess; fillings fall out and everything drips onto your plate, or even your clothes.

The truth is that after a lot of thought, I decided to do something similar to what I often have to do with the leftovers that clutter my fridge after a crazy week...


I usually check what's in the containers and decide what foods I could wrap up and whether I should use ketchup or mustard, or rather yogurt--or something else.

At home, our favorite combinations are vegetables with yogurt or meats with cheese. This time I opted for some of both.

Also, even though bread wasn't part of the inredients, I made my own: skillet bread (which are so good for pressed sandwiches).

I have a skillet grill that leaves a very nice decorative striped pattern on the bread, like the ones in the panini.

The bread makes a thick and nice crust, which allows me to open it up without cutting the edge, which acts as a barrier that holds both food and sauces. Zero mess.

Also, it's soft on the inside, but less fluffy than when baked. It is perfect to put many fillings inside, which was exactly what I needed.


Time for delicious fillings!

5-ingredient Coleslaw, Grilled Eggplant,cucumber & yogurt, Loin Stripes, Red Onion


For the coleslaw, I used


  • 1 cup finely striped cabbage
  • 1/2 cup shredded carrot
  • 1/4 cup sliced green bell pepper
  • 1/4 cup chopped spring onion
  • 1/2 cup finely sliced granny Smith
  • dressing: apple cider vinegar, olive oil, and salt

I finely chopped the cabagge, grated the carrot, chopped the spring onion, and finely sliced the green bell pepper and granny Smith (half peeled).


Besides being delicious, sandwiches can be really healthy if we choose the right fillings.


Dressings also matter. A greasy dressing can spoil yur healthy vegetables. I added aopplecider vinegar, olive oil, and salt. Not too much so that the bread wouldn't become soggy.



For the cucumber and yogurt, I used


  • 1 cup finely sliced cucumber without the seeds

  • dressing:

    • 3 labneh balls
    • 2 tablespoons greek yogurt
    • the juice of a lemon
    • 1 tablespoon freshly crushed garlic
    • 4 tablespoons olive oil
    • salt to taste

I washed the cucumber well, half peeled it, and took all the seeds out. This way, the yogurt dressing gets to keep firm and more flavorful.


The dressing was pretty simple to make. I just mixed the labneh, greek yogurt, lemon juice, crushed garlic, olive oil, and salt.


Finally, I mixed the sliced cucumber and dressing together.



As for the eggplant slices, I used


  • 2 cups sliced eggplant
  • 1 tablespoon oregano
  • freshly cracked black pepper
  • olive pomace oil
  • sal to taste

After cutting the pedicel of the eggplant, I cut it into slices of about 1 cm wide. I drizzled enough olive pomace oil over them...


Then I rubbed them with the rest of the ingredients.


I fried them in a little olive pomace oil, a couple of minutes on each side, until they browned a little.



And for the meat,


  • 200 gr loin strips
  • 1 tablespoon ground cumin
  • 2 tablespoons ground garlic
  • the juice of a lemon
  • olive pomace oil
  • salt to taste
  • 2 tablespoons sesame seeds

I rubbed the loin strips with all the ingredients, let them marinate for ten minutes, and cooked it in a hot pan with a little olive pomace oil.


The sesame seeds were not cooked. I added them after the meat was done, which took about 15 minutes over medium fire.


Let's assemble these delicious and healthy sandwiches!

I filled two pieces of bread as you can see in thepictures below.


I liked the result!

We had skipped lunch, and it was 8 p.m. when we ate. We were starving. Every bite was glory. Crunchy bread, fresh vegetables, creamy yogurt dressing, and the right amount of tenderloin strips with an intense flavor: as a whole, this was a sandwich that reminded us of delicious Arabian food.


We had enough fillings for another sandwich, but we had no room for more!


Bon appetite!


All text and images are my own. I have taken the pictures with my Redmi 9T cell phone. And if any GIFs here, I've used GIPHY for all them.


Thank you so much for your visit :)


Banner by @andresromero 🖤

Okay you have just made me want to run to the store to get some bread but I have to go to work in a while. I haven't eaten yet and was going to have leftover soup. Your sandwich is doing a number on my head haha. It looks like it dropped from sandwich heaven.

I love middle eastern food and you really nailed it with the fine details. You could open a sandwich shop with that sandwich being the only item and it would sell like crazy.

I grew up with mostly peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and the odd deli meat but I was only allowed whole grain bread. I wanted white bread like my friends. So sandwiches for my childhood don't give me the warm memories that yours did. Not that I didn't like them. they were just food haha.

That grilled bread looks to die for!!!

Good luck my friend. It's a wonderful post.💚

Sandwiches, good or bad, seem to mark the childhood of many. Many of us go back to that sandwich of the old days, to mom's sandwich. Others don't want to go back to dad's sandwich, hehe.

The most frequent breakfast at home was arepas stuffed with scrambled eggs, cheese, or stewed meats from the day before. There were six of us kids, so my mother had to be practical. My father was the weekend cook; he didn't bother to make eight or a dozen sandwiches. He would boil cornmeal buns and make a big egg and vegetable scramble. But his lunches were legendary--long story, but you should know that our father was our favorite cook.

When kids, unhealthy and fluffy white bread for us 99% of the time. I guess we would've hated whole wheat bread. I'll never know.

Thank you so much for dropping by, my friend ❤️

You have peaked my curiosity at cornmeal buns. Sounds like that would suit me for breakfast right now. I am sleep deprived and starving.

It's simple peasant food. Make arepa dough but a bit firmer. Make buns and drop them in boiling water with a little salt, like dumplings. Believe me, it's nothing special but my heart is with those buns, hehe. I got that software at an early age.

I hope you can get some good sleep everyday. Whatever is depriving you from due resting must stop or you'll get sick.

Everyday, I meet inconsiderate people who won't respect other people's right to rest well, even in their own houses. Most of the time loud music is the issue.

Thanks for the tip. I'm going to try it.

I just have constant chatter in my head. If not that, the guy upstairs is up to no good as well as his playing guitar and singing really loud.

Going to bed at 3 or 4 am doesn't help but I need to wind down after work.

Oh well such is life in the big city.😒

Thank you so much, @luzscarllet18 😁

Congratulation. Your sandwich post has been selected by Foodies Bee Hive.
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Always so kind and supportive, @sagarkothari88 💙 Much appreciated 😁


You are most welcome.
Thank you for kind & motivating words.

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Ah, that's awesome! Thank you so much. Now, it's time to make some ice cream to go with those sandwiches ❤️😁 Have a great weekend, @sirenahippie


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Vote for our witness @sagarkothari88

Yum! You have been curated by @sirenahippie on behalf of on #Hive. Thanks for using the #foodie tag. We are a tribe for the Foodie community with a unique approach to content and community and we are here on #Hive.

Thank you so much for your consideration and support, @foodiesunite, @sirenahippie 😁❤️

Mientras más iba leyendo más me iba enamorando de la entrada, estupenda participación amiga @marlyncabrera

Todo hecho minuciosamente, desde el pan hasta el aderezo es perfecto, yo en casa suelo preparar absolutamente todo

Desde los panes hasta las salsas a usar, no solo porque lo disfruto 😂 si no que todo es mucho mejor jajaja

P.D yo si me hubiera comido la segunda tanda 🤣

El tamaño de los sándwiches inspiraba respeto. No sé si aguantaba con el segundo. Yo llegué hasta un 70% dela meta y le pasé el testigo a mi esposo, jeje. Y mira que soy buen diente.

Si el cocinero es bueno y eficiente, lo mejor se hace en casa 😁

Gracias por la motivación, mi querido amigo ❤️❤️❤️

Jajaja mi esposa me pasa el de ella, el del niño y aparte yo me preparo uno más 🤣 por si quedo fallo 😜

Pero lo importante es que no se pierda nada 😁

Hay que hacer el torneo 😂


Que hermoso tener esos recuerdos de niños con una comida especial hecha por mamá y que sigan guardando un lugar especial en nuestro corazón que en tu caso fue el sándwich! 🥪❤️

La verdad es que da gusto ver cómo cocinas, cómo preparas cada producto y luego como lo sirves con tanto amor y orgullo y lo mejor es saboriarlo y difrutarlo!🤤🤤🤤

Amé cada ingrediente de este delicioso y suculento sandwich!

Por cierto, he estado por preparar las labneh balls, porque me parece una excelente opción para untar en el sandwich, pero no me he planificado.

Se nota que cada bocado es la gloria! Jeje!

Gracias por compartir y por deleitarnos con tus maravillosas recetas, @marlyncabrera.

Yo ya compró el labneh en bolitas, pero cuando hago yogurt griego, me salen facilitas. Una amiga libanesa me pasó el truco de hacer el yogurt con un toquecito de maicena para que cuaje mejor sin esperar tanto; así puedes tener yogurt para untar el mismo día y sin esperar la eternidad para que el yogurt drene.

Que hermoso tener esos recuerdos de niños con una comida especial hecha por mamá y que sigan guardando un lugar especial en nuestro corazón que en tu caso fue el sándwich!

Hasta buen grandecita 😁 Recuerdo que en 4to y 5to año de bachillerato era usual madrugar haciendo tareas del colegio y mi madre me llevaba sándwiches de queso para cenar. Me los ponía al lado de la computadora y me decía que no me acostara tan tarde. Yo hice igual con mi hijo. Espero que mis nietos, si los llegó a tener, no trasnochen tanto 🤣

¡Un abrazo! Luego nos comemos un par de sándwiches.

Que bonito gesto de amor tuvo tu mami contigo y tú con tu hijo! Esos son los pequeños momentos que vale la pena replicar de generación en generación, pues nos acompañaran durante toda la vida y recordarlos nos hará felices!🙏🏻❤️

Claro que sí, acepto la invitación!🥪🥪😊💕

Hola amiga,

Guao... si los Griegos consumían panes en aceite con hierbas aromáticas -lo que mas tarde se llamo pizza- estoy segura también se inventaron el sándwich.
Que recuerdo tan bonito de tu infancia, los olores nos transportan , hasta pude ver tu carita feliz comiendo tu pancito tostado el más delicioso preparado con las manos amorosas de tu mamá. Ahora me traes este mega sándwich que provoca darle un mordisco, se ve apetecible, exquisito, y comerlo con así con ganas es disfrutarlo.

Para mi con uno es suficiente! :)

Los griegos ya lo sabían todo,jeje.

Después de un fin de semana de trabajo a toda máquina, veo los sándwiches y me declaro incapaz de hacerlos para comer hoy. Hoy toca pan árabe de la panadería 😁

Qué suerte es haber tenido una infancia que podamos añorar. No importa si ya se fue; volvemos cuando queramos.

Gracias por pasar a compartir.

volvemos cuando queramos.

y con una sonrisa en los labios :)

Recibe mi abrazo

Que delicia, tengo que intentar esa receta. Gracias por compartirla

Qué bueno, @anicsaldivia1 😁 Es una combinación muy sabrosa. Saludos ❤️