This is the first time I have ever made ribs. I have never wanted to make them because they can be easily ruined by not cooking them properly. But I decided to give them a shot and test out the rib rack that I got for Christmas a few years ago.
I used two full racks of ribs and coated them with a concoction of dry rubs that I put together. It has a few different steak seasonings, garlic powder and some generic bbq seasoning in it.
They have been smoking for three hours now and they are about ready to be wrapped in tin foil and smoked for another two hours. I had the temperature at 225 for the first few hours, but will be increasing it to 250 for the next two. Then after that I will remove them from the foil and cook them for another hour while brushing them with some sugar free Bbq sauce. Have to use sugar free so it remains a part of my keto diet.
These things smell so good and I can’t wait to finish them and give them a try. If I am successful with it, I will be trying my hand at smoking some brisket.
Mmm! Gimme some!🥩🔪
But we've got to quit meeting like this cause your awesome food post are causing me visual weight gain, aka "heavy eyes"😂😂😂
Good thing about the stuff I am going to be sharing is that it is all Keyo friendly, so you will actually lose weight eating it.
I am a vegetarian and..... I want to eat these! Looking forward to the Brisket.
Well beef does eat grass so I guess it is vegetarian in a way.
this is truth! my friend said the same thing about the beef jerky made. I had to try it and am not gonna lie, it was as tasty as your brisket will be.
I love making beef jerky
It's so good. I like it better than cooked meat. I don't think I will stay a vegetarian forever and this is one of the things I will eat first. My mouth is actually watering right now while thinking about it.
Ya. Being a vegetarian is pretty dumb when there is so much good food that you can eat instead of grass.
it's not my favorite thing, It's for health reasons at the moment.
How's the diet progressing?
I am hungry now...
It's going pretty good. I am down 10 pounds so far. It would be more, but some days I go and get snow cones and eat Doritos. But if I can stay away from that stuff, then I do pretty good.
What kind of smoker are you using? I’ve been running my Green Mountain pellet grill for close to 7 years. A $20 repair here a $50 dollar repair there… it still produces smoked meat like day 1.
Grab a pork shoulder a d do pulled pork… it’s amazing!!!!!
I've got a Camp Chef pellet smoker. I've had it for a few years now and it has been awesome. Way cheaper than the Treager hut just as good.
I’ve heard good things about those. They have come a long way from their traditional propane cook stoves. Pro tip, around November the last year models of Treagar and Green Mountie. Get discounted in a huge way. I’m talking saving $2-300. That how I got my GMG and my Dad got his. My brother has been running a Pit Boss for a few years and he likes it.
I’m cooking tri-tip tonight… 300f… comes out amazing every time. Cheers and happy BBQ-ing
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I love smoker tri tip. It makes amazing fajita meat.
Oh dang!!! I never thought of that!! 🤤🤤
Ya man. It is amazing. I usually just season it with crushed salt, cracked pepper, and some taco seasoning.
That’s sound machine amazing!!! This one is just sea salt, coarse black pepper and garlic powder..
I’m hungry!!!
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