Hello, Foodies! Welcome to our curation report posts supported by @ocd.
We focus on supporting original food-related content, be it photos or texts. Undervalued posts, as well as users who enjoy making engagement with other users in the Foodies Bee Hive community.
We hope the Foodies Bee Hive community grows even bigger with food content from all over the country. We share each other's culture through delicious and authentic foods.
Keep up the great work for your chance to be in the next round of curation!
This Week's Curation Selections
Post #2
[ESP-ENG] Risotto a la Jardinera combinado con Curry/Risotto a la Jardinera combined with Curry
by @giocondina
Post #3
How to prepare a Delicious Shredded Fish with Rice and Banana. || [ESP / ENG]
by @delvallecedeno
Post #4
by @carolhomer
Post #6
Post #8
[ENG/ESP] First time making baked mini sausage banderillas or corn dogs 😋- Primera vez haciendo mini banderillas de salchichas o corn dogs al horno😋
by @maria27.
Post #9
Post #11
Post #12
Post #17
[ESP-ENG] Les muestro como preparé un Delicioso Pollo a la Broaster 🍗 para el Almuerzo/I show you how I prepared a Delicious Broaster Chicken 🍗 for Lunch.
by @alexanderodulfo.
Post #19
[ESP-ENG] Como preparar una rica merengada de auyama o calabaza. / How to prepare a delicious squash or pumpkin meringue.
by @beysyd.
Post #22
Post #24
Post #26
[ENG/ESP] Deliciosa y nutritiva crema de Auyama / Delicious and nutritious Auyama cream
by @kathesm.
Post #27
#FoodieMood (ES-ENG) - Pastel de Manzana sin horno (Por primera vez) - Apple Pie without oven (For the first time)
by @eugelys.
Post #28
[ESP/ENG] / Quesillo de auyama sin leche condensada / Pumpkin flan without condensed milk
by @kerwinjz.
Post #30
[ESP-ENG] Segundo Concurso Foodies. Rica y Deliciosa Sopa de Mondongo, pura tradición Venezolana/// Second Foodies Contest. Rich and Delicious Mondongo Soup, pure Venezuelan tradition.
by @yari-23.
Post #31
How to fry a capsicum filling from boiled potatoes best suited for lunch...
by @madushanka.
Post #34
[ESP-ENG] Segundo concurso Foodies. Mi deliciosa sopa de lagarto, Second Foodies contest. My delicious lizard soup
by @coromoto20.
Post #36
Post #39
Post #40
Patacón con cambur verde para mi hijo mayor // Patacón con cambur verde for my oldest son
by @derzweile.
Post #41
Receta: Crema de papa y puerro | Recipe: Cream of potato and leek soup | [ESP-ENG]
by @any94.
Post #42
Banana tartlet stuffed with meat [Ing / Esp]
by @panmonagas.
Post #44
[ESP-ENG] Deliciosa carne guisada con papas y zanahorias // Delicious stewed meat with potatoes and carrots
by @franciscana23.
Post #48
(ESP/ENG)Exquisite Baked Chicken Served with Rich Mashed Potatoes // Exquisito Pollo al Horno Acompañado de un Rico Puré de Papas.
by @mariaser.
Post #49
How to make a simple homemade chocolate cream biscuit and mary biscuit cake. // Suited for evening snack.
by @madushanka.
Post #50
Post #53
[ESP-ENG] Cómo hacer Arepas de Plátano Verde con Queso || How to make Green Banana Arepas with Cheese
by @mariperez316.
Post #56
by @nafonticer.
Post #60
Beans with pork feet and smoked pork chops recipe / Receta de frijoles con patitas de puerco y chuletas ahumadas [ ing/ Esp]
by @fotomaglys.
Post #61
Post #62
Linguini Frutti Di Mare - What a yummy lunch for today - Check out how I made it! Bon Appetit friends!
by @progressivechef.
Post #63
Post #67
[ENG - ESP] Paella with only two ingredients: pork Chop and Mortadela. 🍲 Paella con solo dos Ingredientes: Chuleta y Mortadela
by @virgilio07.
Post #68
by @enovf.
Post #69
Delights of my home (¨Pastaflora¨ how my grandmother made them)- Delicias de mi hogar (¨Pastaflora¨ cómo las hacia mi abuela)
by @jlufer.
Post #70
by @ketty01.
Post #71
Post #72
Lentils with vegetables and meat - a hearty lunch / Сочевиця з м'ясом і овочами.
by @shady.
Post #75
Nutritiva y sencilla salsa de carne molida y vegetales/Paso a paso [Esp-Eng]
by @indelvalle65.
Post #76
ES|EN · Receta del día: Pollo a la plancha con ensalada de aguacate y berro | Recipe of the day: Grilled chicken with avocado salad and cress
by @yasern
Post #77
Post #78
[ESP-ENG] Pizza tres quesos. Fin de semana especial 👉 Cocina creativa 👨🍳 / Three cheese pizza. Special weekend 👉 Creative cuisine 👨🍳
by @edwing357.
I'm happy to see so many type of food recipes shared on this awesome commiunity based on Hive blockchain. Also I was lucke to get curated from your community. We can see so many delicious recipes in fure. Thanks for kindness support always.
And it's also a pleasure to curate good food posts, and to see the sheer number and variety of good recipes that you Foodies bring to our community. Thanks for sharing your recipes on Foodies Bee Hive. Regards.
Muy agradecida por el apoyo....que bonita colección de recetas, para mí es un honor formar parte de ella. Un cariñoso saludo!
Sí, aquí, en esta compilación hay buenas recetas, de allí hayan sido seleccionadas. Un saludo para tí también.
You presented a good recipe. Greetings to you too.
Thank you for including me. 😃
It's always been my pleasure to be a part of this wonderful community.❤❤❤
Thanks to you for bringing your recipes to our community, it's always nice to see good recipes. Greetings.
Muchas gracias por el apoyo, felicidades a todos. Saludos y muchas Bendiciones.
Un apoyo bien merecido. Sigue publicando buenas recetas, 100% originales. Saludos.
Thank you for your support! 😍😍😍
And thanks to you for bringing good recipes to Foodies Bee Hive. Regards.
You're welcome 🥰🥰🥰
Hola, muchas gracia que honor estar en su excelente selección de recetas.me da gusto ver tan buenas recetas de mis compañera/os un excelente estimulo para compartir adelante en esta bella comunidad.
Gracias a tí @fotomaglys por publicar tus excelentes recetas en Foodies Bee Hive, la comunidad Hive que es el recetario planetario por excelencia. Saludos.
Grateful!! you are a great support in giving value to the publications...in addition to making many more people know new recipes that they had no idea they could be done. Greetings!!!
Yes, the idea is that you, the Foodies, publish well elaborated and original recipes; and at the same time, make life in the community by visiting, reading and commenting on the posts of your peers. Keep posting on Foodies Bee Hive. Greetings.
Muchas gracias por haberme hecho formar parte de esta lista, gracias por la mención y el apoyo.
Es un placer curar buen contenido, como es el caso de tu post, y hacer mención del mismo en estas compilaciones. Sigue trayendo tus buenas recetas a Foodies Bee Hive. Saludos.
Feliz y bendecido día para todos
Tu receta se ganó este sitial de honor, pues es una excelente receta. Gracias por formar parte de Foodies Bee Hive. Esperamos más recetas increíbles hechas por tí. Saludos.
Hola buenos días 🙂 muchas graacias @sirenahippie, ya tengo el horno activo jajaja, en unas horas saldrá algo especial, feliz y bello día 🤗
I'm getting hungry scrolling through this curation post. 😋😋😋
Thanks for the feature! 😁
Hahahaha, yes, there are so many dishes, so many recipes, so much variety, that without a doubt it makes you hungry just looking at the photos. Thanks to you for sharing your excellent content in Foodies Bee Hive. Regards
Es un verdadero honor para mi encontrarme en estas lineas, muchisimas gracias
Y es un honor para nosotros que tú seas una Foodie y traigas buen contenido a nuestra comunidad. Saludos.
Thanks for the update ☺️☺️☺️
You're welcome.
Gracias por incluirme en su publicación, para mi es un placer formar parte de esta hermosa comunidad y compartir mis gustos, culturas y costumbres. Espero poder aprender mucho de ustedes...
Y de seguro todos nosotros aprenderemos de tí, pues cada persona tiene un mundo de recetas originales, que merecen ser conocidas y celebradas. Sigue trayendo buen contenido a Foodies Bee Hive. Saludos.
Me alegra mucho ver que mi publicación fue elegida en esta colección tan interesante y completa de recetas :)
Gracias por el apoyo!
I'm so glad to see that my post was chosen in this very interesting and comprehensive collection of recipes :)
Thanks for your support!
Tu post forma parte de esta compilación, porque es un buen post, que ha sido valorado y apoyado, así que sigue creando buen contenido, 100% original y publica en Foodies Bee Hive. Saludos.
Thank you!
You're welcome!
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Check out the last post from @hivebuzz:
Gracias por apoyar mi post, felicidades a todos los mencionados.
Gracias a tí por traer tus recetas a Foodies Bee Hive, el recetario planetario por excelencia. Saludos.
Thank you, I appreciate it!
You're welcome.
These food posts look so good. Ouhhhh, I should give them a try. Thank you @foodiescuration @foodiesbeehive @ocdb for giving these great food content creators more exposure.
Buenas buenas... Gracias por haberme seleccionado en tan gran recetario y felicidades a todos. Gracias por el apoyo. :)