Hello, Foodies from all over the world!
Welcome to our curation report of posts published in the Foodies Bee Hive community.
We are starting a new phase, during which we hope to recognize the honest and quality work done by all of you.
We thank you for reading and following our community rules, as they have been formulated to ensure the smooth running of the community.
Now let's check out this week's great posts!
This Week's Curation Selections
Post #2

Post #6

Post #7

Post #10
Post #11
Homemade Yoghurt: A Simple Fermentation Project - Tips, Method, and a Recipe With Infinite Possibilities
by @fermentedphil
Post #12
Post #13
Caramelised Sweet Chilli Butternut with Sage, Rosemary, Pumpkin Seeds and Hemp Hearts
by @itsostylish
Post #14
Post #15
Post #16

Post #17
(ESP/ENG) Merienda vegana de los reyes magos cupcakes de chocolate y banana caramelizada./(ESP/ENG) Merienda vegana de los reyes magos cupcakes de chocolate y banana caramelizada.
by @felixordaz
Post #18

Post #20

Post #21
[ESP-ENG] Te enseño paso a paso a hacer deliciosos Tequeños de Yuca, sin harinas y libre de gluten // I teach you step by step how to make delicious Cassava Tequeños, without flour and gluten free
by @franciscana23
Post #22
[ESP-ENG] ¡Bebida Refrescante de Hierbabuena Naranja y Mandarina! / Refreshing Orange and Tangerine Peppermint Drink!
by @yiobri
Post #23
(Esp/Eng) Mi receta de hoy: Tortitas de arroz y cambur, bañadas en chocolate / Today's recipe: Rice and cambur pancakes, dipped in chocolate
by @josdelmi

Post #25
Post #26
Empezando el año con mucho sabor a chocolate, nada mejor que un brownie con dulce de leche(ESP/ENG)
by @irenebarreto

Post #29
✨ Deliciosa carne de res 🐂con cebollas y ajo salteadas-Delicious beef 🐂 with sautéed onions and garlic ✨ [Esp-Ing]
by @damarisgm
Post #30
[ESP-ENG] Delicioso Trigo con Vegetales, te enseño paso a paso a hacerlo // Delicious Wheat with Vegetables, I teach you step by step how to do it
by @franciscana23

Post #31

Post #32
Absolutely unique vegan recipe: Delicious yummy healthy Sour Spondias dulcis lentils vuna recipe with coconut milk
by @simaroy

Post #35
Preparando un delicioso pasticho o lasaña \ Preparing a delicious pastry or lasagna
by @mariperez316

Post #36

Post #37
Post #38

Post #42
Post #43
Let's make jujubes that children love, suitable for children's birthday parties and even for self-employment.
by @templeflower
Post #44
[ESP/ENG] Deliciosas Trufas de pizza con avena. 😋/ Delicious pizza truffles with oatmeal. 😋
by @kerwinjz

Post #45
Waffles de zanahoria y manzana verde. 🥕🍏 | Carrot and green apple waffles. 🥕🍏
by @denissemata
Post #46
Spekboom and Purslane Chutney Recipe: Using Food and Produce From the Garden
by @fermentedphil
Post #47

Post #50
Tahi noodles with chicken and poached egg // Fideos Tahi con pollo y huevo escalfado 🌺👩🍳
by @borbolet
Thanks for choosing my post @foodiesunite
You're welcome @umirais, good recipes!
Thank you for supporting my post @foodiesunite
You're welcome @nurfay, great recipes!
Thank you for your support @foodiesunite.
You're welcome @rebolegi
Thank you for including my recipe @foodiesunite
You're welcome @itsostylish
Thank you for the curation @foodiesunite ,God bless .
You're welcome @mitch18
Thank you for choosing my post!
You're welcome @mypathtofire
Gracias amigos por el cariño💙
A la orden @noalys gracias por tus buenas recetas
Gracias por el apoyo. Mis saludos
A la orden @daysiselena
Thank you for your support @foodiesunite.
You're welcome @jessiencasa
Thank you so much for the support @foodiesbeehive. Looking forward to post blogs with quality contents.
You're welcome @jenthoughts
Muchas gracias por el apoyo amigos de @foodiesunite
A la orden @yiobri
Thank you for supporting my post @foodiesunite
You're welcome @mariperez316
Great post! Keep up the good work!