Hey there amazing Denise! I'm so glad you like them, I wanted to make something quick and easy yet super scrumptious, and I must say they turned out beyond okay!
That said they are most definitely not low fat, but are completely low carb. I didn't know that you liked monk fruit or I would have totally used that delightful sweetener, but I have noticed us low-carb, sugar-free types are very good at substituting our favorite sweeteners with ease:)
The Pineapple of Hawaiian Hotness is very good about testing my crafted comestibles, but to be honest, he can just skip dessert and lose weight, lucky man, so I make him and the heathens their own goodies. The kiddos are both athletes so they burn cals like crazy!
And I am with you on the aspartame and sucralose, the taste doesn't do it for me. Don't like stevia by itself either, it's good blended with erythritol and such but I am super choosy about the brands I use. What I need to do is get off my flintlocks and grow my own stevia.
And I do hope you try this recipe, because I have a feeling you will make it beyond incredible when you make it your own!
Love you too most excellent lady!😊