Sorry I ran out of data that's why I'm just replying.
So fish or other proteins like beef and goat meat is a major ingredient in our meals, we build flavors around those proteins together with other small fish like prawns or crayfish and other dried fresh water fish.
Nothing to apologise for ! Hive's a social site, not a job, so don't ever feel pressured or obligated to do something on it 😀
I'm always fascinated by how food around the world is so different. I think here, the main difference is that we use meat stock, herbs and spices to add flavour, but very rarely fish or shellfish. At least in modern times -the Romans used huge amounts of garum, which was made from rotted fish and sounds disgusting to modern tastes !
Well I guess the beauty lies in the difference, that's what makes us unique.
And I love to explore food so I don't think I would have difficulty surviving in any part of the world. The food has to look good though before I have a taste 😁