I was saving my stock fish in the fridge from spoiling due to a power interruption, turning food leftovers into a new dish.

in Foodies Bee Hive4 months ago

Red Holiday Cooking Recipes Photo Collage Youtube Thumbnail.jpg

As you may remember, the previous week, we were hit by typhoon Kristine here in my country, the Philippines. This caused power interruption for three days and water for a week, which was not good timing as I had more than a kilo of fish in the fridge! I forgot about it in the first two days because I was stressed! I removed it from the refrigerator on the third day, and it was already defrosted! I thought of cooking it as paksiwto save it from spoiling, but the ingredients weren't complete. So, I just poured vinegar, salt, and black pepper. After, I kept it back.

The other day, when I was thinking about what to cook, I remembered that there was a lot. I took a few pieces and fried them. Somehow, they tasted better; however, there were still leftovers.

Being raised that wasting food is like a mortal sin, I resorted to recycling it into another dish!

Here is what I need.

  • Onion
  • Egg
  • Crispy fry

Here are the steps on how I cook it.

  • Remove the fish bones. It is much easier if you remove the meat directly.

  • Place all the fish meat on the chopping board and chop it thinly.

  • Mince would rather like to know how to do it with garlic.


  • Mince one piece of onion. Then, pour it into a bowl together with the meat fish.

  • Get two eggs and beat it until it was flappy.

  • Pour it into the mixture and add seasonings. Salt, black pepper, crispy fry (flour), and others based on your preferences.

  • Ensure to mix it thoroughly.

Heat the cooking pan and pour the oil. Then, use a spoon to place the mixture. It was necessary for me to measure the thickness. Then, form it into a circle like a patty.

  • Fry until it turns golden brown.

I'm almost done with the sauce, which is perfect, as I still had some ketchup!

Now, it was ready to serve.

I was supposed to put on a smile, yet it failed! Maybe next time, I can improve it.

How about you? Do you recycle leftovers? I would be glad to read your thoughts in the comment section.

Lead image was edited using Canva
Photos are mine
Footer credit to Sensiblecast.


So sorry to hear about the thypoon I didn't know the situation was an heavy, hope everyone it's fine and it's good you create dishes with leftovers!!💯

It was okay in my area but some part not

It looks like two people sitting down😛😁( the ketchup). I was thinking you will make cardillo.😌

I don't know how to cook 😂

Well the last time i kept fish for myself I thought about making a dish out of it. I got lazy and they got packed away in the freezer for later. Why, I decided to go fishing again to catch even more fish 😆 Generally left overs are fun to turn into something else. I had left over ham from a dinner a week or so ago. I chopped up the ham and used them and some other things to make omelets for breakfast. I love making chili other than have a bowl after bowl for a few days I will use for fritos salad or chili dogs. 😋 It's great to use leftovers and saves a lot of money from making more trips to the super market.

As someone grow up always scarce in food wasting food in not in the vocabulary 😆. Just I can't which also the reason why I find it hard to lose weight. I would eat up all the food so it won't spoil! 😁

Luck you there is a place where you could go fishing!
Yeah perhaps you could also used that ham as toppings in a fried rice!



$PIZZA slices delivered:
lhes tipped noemilunastorta
lhes tipped diamondinthesky
lhes tipped asiaymalay
lhes tipped coolmidwestguy
(3/5) @lhes tipped @tengolotodo

Over a kilo wow...

I would have made kedgeree I think is how you spell it.. Basically add the wee fish pieces to egg and rice and here we would use peas too hehe plys spices and herbs etc.

Waste not want not I agree and I love using leftoversand turning it into another dish!

I need to stock at the fridge as I am only asking brother in law to buy my needs.

Ah you recipe is like sinangag with toppings

The husband often cooked similar using leftovers too!


You're so Wais na Misis Ma'am @lhes 😊 everything is getting expensive in the market, and what you did is very practical. I will also try your recipe Ma'am 😊

Thank you Po.

I was train, it was hard to earn a living back the kasi.