Ok. Seré sincera, en la época súper mala de Venezuela, está era nuestro almuerzo y cena. Con arroz, con pan, con pasta, incluso hasta en fiestas como refrigerio. Llegó un punto donde ya ni me gustaban, ahora que todo ha ido mejorando, o más bien podemos tener una mejor adquisición, las extraño y las tuyas se ven tan apetitosas y atractivas. Me provocó mucho. Intenta agregarle la pasta del chorizo. Quedan estupendas
Ok. I'll be honest, during the super bad times in Venezuela, this was our lunch and dinner. With rice, with bread, with pasta, even at parties as a snack. It got to the point where I didn't even like them anymore, now that everything has been improving, or rather we can have a better acquisition, I miss them and yours look so appetizing and attractive. It made me want to try them a lot. Try adding the chorizo paste. They are great.
I totally can understand. When I was in the hostel, I survived on bread and biscuits; now I avoid them as much as I can. So you don't have to feel bad about not waiting to try this anymore.
Doesn't it feel nice to have a better life after all the struggle?
Thanks for your compliment. Have a wonderful day ahead. :) :)