Recipe - Cauliflower soup

Soup's on!


We bought cauliflower for dinner yesterday (it was on discount) and I really didn't want to eat cauliflower. So I went online, in search of an alternative to just a regular, boiled cauliflower. I ran into some oven dishes that needed way more ingredients than I had lying around and then, I found a Dutch soup recipe.

Now I don't make soup. I think in all of my life, I've made soup once. Pumpkin soup. Delicious, but still, I don't make soup. I don't even like soup. I learned that when I was young. I liked the tomato soup the Chinese restaurants made, but I didn't like the vegetable or chicken soup at home.

So I don't like soup!

Now, I'm grown up and have to think things through and all that stuff. Now, I know I don't like the watery kinda soup. I like the creamy kind of soup though.

Fine, I'll make soup!

I had everything this recipe asked for, so after convincing hubby (who just shouted 'no' out of instinct), I made cauliflower soup. And it was good. Hubby even had a second serving. I wanted a second serving too, but the rest of dinner was ready by the time I was done eating my first. I'm such a slow eater (but don't tell hubby, he's the 'fast' one). I had lots left over, so all of that is now in the freezer. Perfect for a delicious lunch.

Anyways, with all credits to the Dutch recipe sharer, here's the recipe translated to English and adjusted to regular cauliflower sizes (mine was twice as big as the recipe called for), my preferences and made into a vegan version.



  • 1 Cauliflower (about 1 kg)
  • 1 Onion
  • 3 Garlic cloves
  • 3 Tsp thyme
  • 1400 ml Vegetable stock (water and stock powder can be mixed during soup preparation)
  • 150 ml plant-based yoghurt (I used Alpro mild & creamy)
  • Pepper and salt


  1. Dice your onion and garlic and cut up your cauliflower into smaller pieces.
  2. Heat up some oil in your big soup pan and add the onion, garlic and thyme. Heat up for a couple of minutes.
  3. Add the cauliflower and the vegetable stock (or your water and stock powder/block/whatever you use). Bring to a boil and boil for about 15 minutes.
  4. Turn off the heat and puree (mash?) your soup with a blender (I have one on a stick, but have no clue what the correct English word for that is!).
  5. Stir in the plant-based yoghurt and add salt and pepper to taste.
  6. Optional: For some extra B12, stir in some nutritional yeast.


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I am actually not fan of plain boiled cauliflower. So I started to do it every other possible way.
My favorite way is to eat it chopped in a salad with tons of other veggies (I saw somewhere recipe for for Tabbouleh, but with cauliflower as main ingredient and it is freaking awesome!), or roasted in the oven with live oil and spices. Try it when you get another one :)

Ooh, yes I still want to try and roast it in the oven aswell! There's also recipes out there to cut it into smaller pieces and coat and fry them, making them crispy and treating them like vegan nuggets. But that looks like a lot of work, so I'll probably try the roasting thing first ;-)

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