Well if they don't want people to forage they shouldn't put food plants there ;D
Although if they just embrace the food plants then it could be a community garden as well as a botanic garden and be even better!

Well if they don't want people to forage they shouldn't put food plants there ;D
Although if they just embrace the food plants then it could be a community garden as well as a botanic garden and be even better!
There are a number of community gardens around the neighbourhood. The botanical garden is attached to the University, so the plants are part of their research. No GMOs as far as I am aware. The garden has been a great resource for (other than knocking off food) learning about the local herbs and edible plants. When I go out into the fields or forests, there is an incredible amount of food and herbs that I can identify now. But, most people just walk past it, for the aforementioned reasons.
I won't be starving when the apocalypse strikes. 😀
Oh wow that area sounds fantastic, yep you're set :D