Hi there foodies. I've not been very active on here recently. Not been in the best of places, but, I wasn't following my keto diet regime, so, no surprise there.
Well, I've talked it through with a friend, who recommended a juice fast. Well sort of. Just one or two days a week perhaps.
My blender is just that. It's an Hinari genius, my eldest son bought for me.
It's a multi function blender and smoothie maker, with a juice filter. Or so it says on the packet.
Well, I tried to juice, kale, cucumber, spinach, celery and a few berries. I put some spirulina powder in, with some dried ginger and some vanilla extract. It did not go well. Having watched some videos on YouTube, to see how it's done, I set about making my healthy breakfast. Everything was fine, but I couldn't work out how to separate the juice from the pulp. That's when disaster struck. The removable screw bottom, came unscrewed, depositing green slimy, thick stuff all over me and my kitchen. It wasn't a colour of paint I would use. It's yukky.
So today I tried again, getting my poor husband to help me. We read the instructions and tied again. Still the juice and pulp remaind faithful to each other and would not be parted. So both me and hubby got covered this time, although we didn't throw it all over the kitchen cupboards this time.
I gave up, and used the smoothie part, and left another cupful in the fridge for tomorrow.
Think I'll stick to the smoothie, and perhaps buy a masticating juicer some time.
Think I might stick to my Keto, green chef meals for now.
Having a nice smoothie/juice for breakfast is a great place to start! Plenty of calories and energy without burdening the system. Maybe you can use the nut milk bag to separate the juice or stick with smoothies for now. Going too fast into detox (juice fasting) can be rough if done without slow transition of eating more fresh fruits and veggies.
I love a story with a moral. This is so much a reminder of what is really happening today, in many towns and villages worldwide. Thank you.
Thank you.
The above was from a story I read. Looks like I forgot to click reply.
I'm going to stick to smoothie for a while until I can get a proper juicer.
Thank you for your advice, its much appreciated.
No problem! I've been having big smoothie for breakfast almost every day for over a year, so it works for me.
Thank you, I'll keep going. Working so far.
Thanks Col. X