Ten Random Photos

Here is a stinky polar bear at the zoo with flies all over his nose. I think it just got finished eating a bunch of meat and now the flies are sticking to his snout.Here are ten random photos for #tuesdayten

This is a horse I met on the side of a bike path eating fresh grass. My wife chatted with the rider a bit as she used to do dressage when she was younger.

Now for some butterfly action. I think this is a black swallowtail feasting on some spring flowers.

Here is another black butterfly I saw inside a butterfly house. It sort of resembles a black swallowtail but I doubt that is what it is as this was a butterfly house featuring butterflies from around the world.

Lets have some Fungi now. These are bird's nest fungi from the family Nidulariaceae. They are tiny little guys that start out as a ball then open up to reveal spore eggs. The eggs then get displaced by rain drops that launch the eggs everywhere to spread the fungi even more.

Now for some birds. Here is a waxwing with a cool hairdoo. I usually see these guys in the late afternoon and evening on dead trees.

Now for some honking Canadian Geese. They like to assemble in the evening over the lake honking loudly to geese on the ground to join them in the water.

The great blue herons are much more quiet and peaceful compared to the honking geese. I have no idea how this heron thinks it will catch a fish when there is so much duck weed blocking its view. Maybe it can feel the fish swimming around its legs.

Here is a yellow rumped warbler showing off its yellow breast. I tried getting a shot of its yellow rump but it was too fast.

My wife has finally finished her watercolor and pastel artwork. I posted about how it was abandoned a couple weeks ago but she put the finishing touches on it this week, mainly by fixing the eyes and adding some hair swirls. I should probably do a scan of it rather than a photo next time to capture its colors better.

That's all for now, thanks for looking :-)


Great photos and watercolor too!
Have a nice week!

Its been a busy week, my daughter was born this past wednesday, we're finally settling down to a schedule again.

How lovely!
Congratulations! 🥂💐
Happiness and health to your family!

9 + 1 painting 😁 Nice capture of the warbler. We want to search out some songbirds next spring. The geese have been flying around here but I think they are about cleared out now that the lake is freezing. Or at least they have moved over to Lake Champlain that is bigger and still open.

I bet all the geese are at rivers or they headed south by now. The baby warblers are quite tame if you can time when they emerge from the nests there. I have a closeup of one that looks like a zoom shot using my phone somewhere.

It's interesting to see random photos that you display.
I really like it.

Thanks, I was happy to find the zoo photos again from a long time ago.