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RE: Downvote Drama: Do regular quizzes, giveaways and competitions create value on Hive? Do downvotes destroy the platform? My consequences.

in Deutsch D-A-CH5 months ago

Complaining about DV from a self voter typically get more DV.

Also if you prefer public shaming we can arrange that too. Self voting is NOT a controversial topic, it is banned for all practical purposes.

Please make good choices.


Hope I am free to express my point of view here, so are you.

I agree with you on self-voting and therefore announced to stop it in the future, although my position is that it should be up to the users how to use their stake.

As I wrote below, I personally think that some daily minimal effort posting vote circles of certain users with 'reputation' > 80 do more harm to HIVE (and are one of the reasons why I won't invest again) than if any small users grant themselves a few selfvotes of a few cents now and then.

It is indeed up to every user as to how to use their stake which means they can self-vote...and also means people can choose to downvote with their stake as well. That's freedom of choice.


Sure you can express your point of view, that is why this post is not downvoted yet.

However, there is a difference between expressing your opinion and triggering drama, and you are trying that in your comment section. I am watching your every action, and so are many others. I am very experienced in handling drama. I have been repeatedly requesting you about consequences. I appreciate that you are considering to stop both the giveaway and self-voting.

Diskusion mit dem Vogel bringt nix - ich bin auch kein Fan von Self Votes - hab letzte Woche zum ersten mal seit glaub 2 Jahren micht selbst gevoted, kam aber nicht über die Null lol. Ignoriere den Typen, wäre er endlch weg von Hive und SPL gäbe es eine Zkunft für die Chain, ab er der kapiert ja nicht mal wie voting power funktioniert :-)