🦢🦢 Zwei Schwäne / Two swans

Schwäne stehen symbolisch für Transformation, Loyalität und die Kraft der Liebe. Am Montag Nachmittag waren gleich zwei davon ganz nah, als wir einen nahegelegenen See besucht haben. Nehme ich als gutes Omen.

Swans symbolize transformation, loyalty and the power of love. On Monday afternoon, two of them were very close by when we visited a nearby lake. I take that as a good omen.


These swans are beautiful
Thanks for letting us know what they symbolize
Didn’t know that

Swans usually represent something magical and most Disney movies so I've grown to respect them a lot. Seeing two swans up close must have been magical for you man. They really do feel like a good omen or maybe they were just looking for snacks 🤣🤣🤣

Probably Both 😂

probably both indeed man 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Very nice! That is the Mute Swan right? Because they make less noise...

But in Germany its called the Höckerschwan. lol Because of the knob on its face!

Yes 👍🏻