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RE: Downvote Drama: Do regular quizzes, giveaways and competitions create value on Hive? Do downvotes destroy the platform? My consequences.

in Deutsch D-A-CH5 months ago (edited)

When you look at the stats (including weight) you vote yourself more than anyone else.

Most people are aware that self voting with a reasonable stake is frowned upon.

And giveaways/contests can be fun and drive engagement but when they become copy and paste template posts it's just lazy and doesn't add anything.


I agree with you on self-votes and therefore announced to stop it in the future, although I think it should be up to the user what to do with their own stake.

An Selfvotes ist nichts verwerfliches.

Political correctness die in der Selbstkasteiung endet erinnert an ein Stockholm Syndrom.

Bedenkt man den Wert ab Zeit und Energie den man investiert so ist ein Selfvote sogar Pflicht.