Hive as alternative to Meta and more - Chance für uns?

in Deutsch D-A-CHlast month

Hive to be positioned more on LinkedIN - now a good time?

Given Hive is picking up with listings on exchanges and also deserved prizes currently the world (especially in Germany) discusses about Elon Musk and Marky the Zuckerberg given their recents news and intiatives - most of it is based on politics of course - but many key guys are looking for alternatives right now!

Many folks are looking for an alternative for META (and its three core platforms), many businesses already left X as of Elon and his anticipated focus on certain political preferences.


Photo: Free usage via Pexels

Our chance to position Hive as real alternative - not only for Social Media but as entire ecosystem. We have DApps to become a theoretic alternative for:

  • Meta
  • X (with many solutions)
  • Instagram
  • YouTube / TikTok

We might lack a real messenger to replace WhatsApp. Currently I see mentions in many posts about alternatives such as BlueSky / Mastodon for Twitter, Discord for Social Media (which I do not understand though lol) but Hive should be in there / seen as an alternative, agreed? Not sure how many of us are active LinkedIn but we should use the platform a bit m ore now to position us the real alternative for the other two big platform ecosystems.


We are censorship resistent - community driven - we offer a lot that needs to be positioned across the general public - especially on LinkedIn where folks are active that have money, that once convinced and educated might invest, become active and ambassadors.

Our issues are

Our core problem apart from the brand "Hive" is still:

  • Web3/blockchain general issue: "Too complicated for the masses with all these keys and stuff :-)!)
  • When i offer Hive as alternative and come with a peakd link - confusing (maybe too many UIs at least for normal users)
  • Lack of mass appeal still for blockchain
  • Bad reputation of blockchain as majority still sees that as anti climate / wasting energy (not matter that there a tons of PoS / DPoS chains out there - they only know Bitcoin if any).

Who is active on LinkedIn?

Forgive me the tags but would be happy to create a list of LinkedIn users from our community that might feel good about talking to others about Hive - feel free to DM me here or better Discord (same name as on Hive).

I had some one-on-one talks with this person: (post where she outlines alternatives to her connections), she seemed to be at least interested - I try with people from Germany but there are many other countries / languages where we might come up with some talks/comments/posts and a plan @guiltyparties @lordbutterfly - if you feel that makes no sense - all good - but think now is the time to talk more about Hive in a conistent way for what we stand.

While I know a lot people are actively promoting #Hive on Twitter / X as well as Reddit I hardly see anything on the most important business platform LinkedIn - I know that @detlev is pretty active and some other Germans - so if oyu are interested to help and to join some call for combined efforts let me know.

How can we position us on LinkedIn?

Not planning to come up with referral links from different UIs - if we want to get out the word about our platform we should at least have "Hve" as part of a link . the site is ok but still lacks business and other reasons why people should see that as an alternative for the old school social media platforms - at least we have a Join button!


Photo: Free usage via Pexels

Jetzt oder nie - LinkedIn nutzen

Ich wollte es nur mal anbringen - jetzt ist die Zeit Gas zu geben - auf LinkedIn wird überall diskutiert über Alternativen zu X, Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp und mehr - nur Hive findet nicht statt - eventuell können wir da bisserl aktiver werden und einen kleinen Plan entwickeln sowie umsetzen - wer ist denn aktiv auf LI und bereit dort über Blockchain zu schreiben bzw Hive in Kommentaren zu positionieren?

Haut mich gerne via Discord an - die aktuelle Situation um Meta/X sollten wir nutzen, jetzt hab en wir auch Argumente wie Hive Preis geht hoch, neue Listings - klar immer noch schwer, da Blockchain zu erklärungsbedürftig, aber wenn wir fokussiert vorangehen eventuell geht da noch sehr viel mehr.


Ich bin jeden Tag auf LinkedIn aktiv und poste auch fast jeden Tag. Aber bisher ab ich dort auch wenig über Hive gelesen. Ich denke auch die Chance sollten wir nutzen. Ich wäre dabei.

Sehr gut - eventuell in LI Gruppen starten, die affin für das Thema sind - da nke für die Anfrage auf Linkedin!

Danke für die Bestätigung. Habe mal bei der Gruppe auf LinkedIn die Mitgliedschaft beantragt.

Schick mal Link - ich dachte da brauchst nix beantragen, ist aber eh wenig los (gibt m.W. zwei Gruppen)

@gandalf @gtg - sorry to bother - deleting the rest - hit me on discord please (same name as on Hive - thanks!)

@michaelreischer - lösch mal den Kommentar mit Link oder "edit" zu was anderem - will nicht dass der Kollege privatspähre aufgibt - bin dran :-)

I don't use LinkedIn much, but I have mentioned Hive there. I don't get much feedback on that.

I think Hive has opportunities as some of the big platforms are getting worse. I left Twtr and use FB less after recent developments. I do use Mastodon/Fediverse to follow a few people.

We need people to see that centralised platforms are a bad idea for various reasons.

Thx @steevc - I was talking about Hive on LinkedIn in the past pretty often, then switched to write articles about the blockchain approach in general. After the web3 guru hype 2 years ago I see many people are open at least for de-centralized platforms.

The cchallenge still - for people that use platforms for their business - owning content yes, but companies often have the need to eb able to delete content and transfer from one platform to another - that is part of my normal job - but written in blockchain stays in blockchain :-).

Many of my clients want Mastodon.

Mastodon is okay for short-form, but Hive works better for blogs. I can see that the permanence may be an issue for some.

I've seen various company accounts appear here, but only do a few posts. I wonder if that is just for SEO. We need Hive to be more of a destination.


OCLT which we issued on Hive Engine. We have pointed to Hive several time directly and indirectly such as here:We are actively showcasing the power of Hive through its practical applications, notably crypto payments (spending HBD) and our (@offchain-lux, @ocln-content, @ocl-trez, @ocl-paymaster, etc.) own token,

and here:

Hey, that is brilliant! I just did a quick search on Linkedin and apart from our Hive and the know stock exchange listed Hive as well as the Hive AI there are even more Hive companies (saying since the forl - the brand Hive is maybe an issue for #marketing


Agree with you, we can do a lot more in here, maybe have a special community, with an own interface would be a good opportunity.

There is some small competition such as or (direct for web3 applications)

Seems to me that perhaps it would be good for Hive to focus more on niche markets. The broad market that thrives on the 685th posting of a stupid meme is probably not a Hive user, no matter what. Someone who's part of actual interest groups on LinkedIn, Facebook or wherever seem more likely candidates for Hive.

LinkedIn might be a good venue, though, as it is a more "intelligent" situation than your average TikTok or Insta.


Good reminder on interest groups on LinkedIn - noted and will be executed :-)

Ich hab wegen deinem Post mal den Chefredakteur von Bond-guide angeschrieben der hat schon mal über hive einen Artikel verlinkt.

Ich hab ihn gefragt ob dieser Artikel auch auf LinkedIn gelandet ist.

Bin gespannt auf seine Antwort 😇

Sehr cool - davon wusste ich gar nix - keep me in the loop

Ich bin nicht auf LinkedIn aber du kannst wenn du magst mal nach Michael Fuchs suchen .

@detlev hatte für hive einen Artikel geschrieben der dann auf Bond-guide veröffentlicht wurde

Hive über LinkedIn populärer zu gestalten, könnte eventuell funktionieren, wenn der komplette Aufbau auch entsprechendes Interesse weckt. Allgemein ist mir die Plattform nicht als sehr kommunikationsfreudig bekannt. Ich erwecke zwar mit der Weiterleitung meiner Beiträge auf LinkedIn Aufmerksamkeit und sammele erhobene Daumen ein, doch wurde mir noch nie die Frage gestellt, worum es sich bei Hive überhaupt handelt.

Immerhin posted Du dort - eventuell machen spezielle LinkedIn Gruppen Sinn - wieso sind wir dort ncht vernetzt :-)?

Das ist die große Frage! Denn nur so könnte es gelingen, aus dem Fragezeichen "Hive" ein Ausrufezeichen zu konstruieren.

Yo yo - hmmm - mal schauen

I agree! I searched for Hive groups and stuff in LinkedIn but couldn´t find too much yet sadly.
I also think about how I could post content there about Hive, but not sure how to best start. And I agree, it´s also not so easy for new people to understand all the different links, etc. It´s weird and confusing in the beginning and hard to follow.

Also agree that people can use Hive as a complete ecosystem. What we are still missing though, is for example a music streaming platform with fair rewards.

If I can help in LinkedIn somehow, let me know. Put me on that list for sure.

Lovely - was discussinbg with one of the marketing guys here what is required for LI - maybe a new frontend tailored - re msic totally agree, had that question already back during Steem times :-).

If I can be of any help, let me know. :)

Bin seit Kurzem auch auf linkedin, werde dir DM auf Discord schreiben, wenn ich zu Hause bin.

Mega - Danke Dir!

Mich findest du auch auf LinkedIn

Hive needs more advertising, like on Instagram on TikTok that's used heaps by youths... Otherwise people will just see blockchain and skip thinking it's scam or too hard to learn

That's a lost cause man. As long as we have gatekeepers on here, like Hive Perverts, running people off the platform. This place will not succeed.


Indeed, the fun fact is, they don't have community support, they keep getting founds of the dhf only because blocktrades votes their proposal

true in general - but i also see older chaps on LinkedIn as target given they have eventually more assets to invest

Hm not sure, LinkedIn is pretty much used to search for a job here, not really for social and so on... I don't know abroad tough

no way, i use it daily and job search is max 5% of the topics / usage there - I do my business there mainly

different country different usage i suppose 😃

maybe - I can only say 99% of my clients are there, 98% of potential clients - and LI is the platform to learn about their pain points and what they are interested in general (important for sales and marketing folks to learn about their prospects and relevant business topics) Interesting to see such different evaluation oer region - thx for the insight - while Facebook etc is totally shit (in my view) with people that hardly are able to find the door to their bathrooms but tell politics for the new world _-)- I only see LI as a platform that justifies time to spend :) - where are you based then? @davideownzall

i am from italy and here socials are splitted like this:

  • people above 40 years -> facebook
  • people above 20 years -> facebook a little & mainly instagram
  • people under 20 years -> tik tok

that's how population is spread generally speaking, youths want immediate and often dumb content so they go on tiktok and think facebook is for elders, more aged people find tiktok retarded so stick to facebook and instagram

There are more and more people using Linkedin not searching for a job,but if we mobilized others to use it and promote Hive on that platform, chances are we can get people be interested either to invest on Hive or register in our platform. I've been a member for over a decade but since my retirement, I seldom visit the site. Now that I am back after a long hiatus, I want to start posting there too.

I think it would be amazing if everyone spreads hive in his most used social, being it LinkedIn, TikTok, Instagram or w/e else

That is a good idea, but the problems with socmed like Facebook, it is prohibited to post anything about crypto. Once you post a link, your account will be suspended for an amount of time. Some of us were doing just that, like posting links for an airdrop, etc...then accounts were suspended.

that's the problem of centralization...they are scared to lose the lead to web3

This is great news !BBH

It is a try to make usage of a platform that was not in the spotlight for Hive yet. Thanks for engaging.

Hive will have its time soon. Always excited to see hive making some news.

Indeed, am aware of that - also tring a bit on Reddit, much more on X and Linkedin soon again :-) - this Finnish guy called @acidyo does good stuff for the community as well :-)

yes he does and @x-rain too.

did not know @x-rain yet

Sorry to burst your bubble. But HIVE will never ever make it to the mainstream. The tech that we have is great. But the tech isn't the problem. The problem is that we have a bunch of self appointed gatekeepers on here that will downvote any posts that they don't like. Basically running them off of the platform. Honestly I think this is just a tactic for them to rape the reward pool. But yeah. We have horrible people on here that scare newcomers off. So yeah.


We will see - I get your point though

Ich hoffe neben @detlev können auch Top Leute im DACH Raum wie @hatoto @solarwarrior @simsahas und @alexvan hier Muskeln spielen lassen :-)

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Pleae Pasta :-) - grazie mille


$PIZZA slices delivered:
(8/10) @danzocal tipped @uwelang

Seriously, Hive has greater opportunities and its up to us to let the world see the beauty of Web3 in action. Educating the masses is really the keypoint here because they really need to know what we have in our community.

This can be done thru memo-messaging-token-transfer.

We need more devs to figure this out seamlessly.

This will eat alot of RC. And if you know the dependencies of resource credits, it will eventually moon the price of Hive.

How is that related to more Linkedin activity?