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RE: Hive as alternative to Meta and more - Chance für uns?

in Deutsch D-A-CHlast month

maybe - I can only say 99% of my clients are there, 98% of potential clients - and LI is the platform to learn about their pain points and what they are interested in general (important for sales and marketing folks to learn about their prospects and relevant business topics) Interesting to see such different evaluation oer region - thx for the insight - while Facebook etc is totally shit (in my view) with people that hardly are able to find the door to their bathrooms but tell politics for the new world _-)- I only see LI as a platform that justifies time to spend :) - where are you based then? @davideownzall


i am from italy and here socials are splitted like this:

  • people above 40 years -> facebook
  • people above 20 years -> facebook a little & mainly instagram
  • people under 20 years -> tik tok

that's how population is spread generally speaking, youths want immediate and often dumb content so they go on tiktok and think facebook is for elders, more aged people find tiktok retarded so stick to facebook and instagram