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RE: Best Day Ever?

in CineTV2 years ago

I am always shocked at some of the movies that parents let their kids watch or take them to. Of course it is their right to do it, but I often have to question if it is the best decision or just the path of least resistance. Either that or just selfishness.


Yeah, it can be weird. Smallsteps is pretty sheltered considering her age. This holiday we watched the Shrek series - and that was scary enough :D We are there with her to talk her through things and she is smart enough to know it isn't real, but if you think about what some of these kids movies contain, it is weird to have three year olds watching them.

More so than movies, I've noticed that I get bothered by song lyrics. It's one of those things that you know every word to but don't necessarily think about.

A lot of the lyrics these days seem like stringing together idioms and sayings. This might be smart, since the audiences are likely to be verbally challenged in their range, so it all seems new.

For sure!