Smallsteps has spent the night at her Aunty's place at their summer place, which is out in the sticks on their family farm, next to a lake. She didn't want to go, as she is having a stage where she doesn't want to be away from us (her mother, but I say "us" to make myself feel relevant), even though once she is there doing what she does, she is glad she is. So far, they have been swimming in the lake, in the sauna, on a trampoline, playing with a puppy and today, performing in the Olympics. They have put on a sporting event, that includes frisbee golf, throwing gumboots and kicking balls. Sounds like fun.
Since my wife and I had a rare night off, we decided to make a date of it after dropping Smallsteps out in the woods. So, we made an impromptu dinner reservation and a restaurant that we like, to go with the movie we had already booked ahead of time. We bought a handful of tickets for Christmas and are yet to use them, and they expire soon, so we have to get on it.
I chose the movie.
Note: There may be spoilers.
It was either that, or Oppenheimer, and I wanted to go to something that was a bit lighter for once. Normally when we go to the movies it is to see something that is better on the big screen like Avatar, or something that more serious - The last one was The Whale. We rarely go for something "fun", so Barbie seemed like a good choice.
While not an overly smart or even good movie perhaps, it was still interesting in some way, though the most interesting thing is how some people in the media have reacted to it, as if it is some spawn of the devil. I do kind of get it though, as it very obviously follows its agenda, or perhaps should it be "a gender", but isn't that to be expected?

Short Girl Barbie
However, the other interesting part of it is more that if you look a little below the obviousness of the storyline, the real star of the movie is Ken, played by Ryan Gosling. While both characters go on a self discovery mission of some sort, while Barbie's "looks don't matter" approach was the obvious line, the real discovery was from Ken, who took a more complex trajectory through the challenges of being a man and masculinity in the current culture, landing on him being enough.
And as far as the movie went, I like Margot Robbie, but I think the biggest Kudos actually goes to Gosling, as I think that the character came across as more developed. However, remember that this movie is intentionally awkward, because they are portraying toys, meaning that their movements are somewhat hampered, and the special effects are made to emphasize how kids play with the dolls. Some of the details in this are actually quite well done and funny to watch.
The age was 7+ but I don't think I would take my daughter to see it, as I reckon most of it would be outside of her understanding. It is not that it would be an issue, but I didn't really get the sense that other than them being Barbies, there was really anything in there for younger kids. I also don't think that the themes around gender equality are approached all that well, though for adults it might bring some points up for discussion, if not used to discussing these things normally
We went to an 18+ version of the movie.
Unfortunately, it wasn't a different movie with gratuitous nudity, graphic sex scenes and over the top violence, it was that it was possible to take alcohol into the theater. This is quite new in Finland (alcohol is highly regulated) and it was a bit strange to have a glass of red wine in my hand, instead of candy. However, it was far better than candy. I would do it again for sure!
It wasn't the best movie ever, but it was a pleasant movie, with a lot of stupid little details in it, if you are into this kind of thing. I don't think it requires a cinema for it, but it was a nice night out together regardless and I am glad we didn't see Oppenheimer - though I want to see that more.
There seems to be a continued renaissance of bringing back childhood memories through movies, with Trolls coming out too, though I don't know if people really connected with Trolls in the same way they did with Barbie. I kind of feel like it is lazy movie making though, where the storylines aren't as clever as they used to be, and the character development not as deep. It is like they just assume that people are going to go and spend their money anyway, so they don't have to try as hard.
They assume correctly.
But, that is the life as a consumer of content, we are at the mercy of the makers of content and they will only deliver to the lowest standard to satisfy us, and maximize profits. Nothing more, no extra mile, minimum viable product.
I guess it is like our own "Best Day Ever" now - it is likely only just good enough.
[ Gen1: Hive ]
So Ryan Gosling Ken actually act? ;^)
It is the perfect role for him - plastic with abs.
Lol, that was a good one! 🤣
I would go absolutely bananas if they made a remake of the brand I liked from when I was a kid: Magic the Gathering! There was talk about someone buying the rights from Hasbro, but nothing ever came of it.
I still have avoided seeing Barbie and might have escaped since my partner will see it with her friends while away, but from all the memes and commentary, I can imagine what it is all about. Count me out, I don't love pink THAT much. More of a purple guy.
I know nothing about MTG, other than the name. I think when I was a kid, the thing was probably He-Man, and a few friends were into Star Wars. Also, Transformers! :D
The color of sexual frustration...
I always thought it was the color of Royalty.
For Transformers, I remember the first animated movie in the 1980s and we've got plenty of awesome remakes. I would love to The Thundercats in a big-screen movie -- especially Cheetara!
Thundercats!! That would be awesome too :)
Damn thunder cats, that would be fucking amazing! Thundercats, hooooooooo
I heard Oppenheimer was meh. You probably didn't miss much.
It wasn't drinking drinking, but it was nice to have a glass in hand. I don't think I would enjoy a movie if drunk.
3h for Oppenheimer is a big investment for a date night. Might have to go with a friend eventually. I don't seem to watch movies at home very often these days.
There is only blackout drunk. Nothing else for me.
I don't really even watch TV at all anymore. VERY rarely, YouTube. When I drive I listen to podcasts.
It is a far better use of the commute time in my opinion.
Since I thought Finland was a country with cold winters, I wonder what the summer weather is like there!
Looking at your wife's slender body swimsuit, I guessed that Finnish summer would be hot too!Dear @tarazkp !
I always wonder how a man in Australia, a land of summer without winter, survives the harsh Finnish winter!
I haven't seen the Short Girl Barbie movies. By the way, I guessed that the movie seems to have an adult woman who can't grow up as the main character!
I think she is grown up, but her life is a little too perfect, to be real. :)
I loved trolls much more than I loved Barbies!
What I've heard about this movie makes it seem like a knock off of "Legally Blonde," which I really liked, curiously. Here's a review from another Hivean I follow closely. It's interesting, to me at least, that you found Ken a central figure, and she thought he was a nobody in the film. (I exaggerate) So much for gender studies.
But I am very happy you two had a date night!
I was never into either - I was one of those kids who grew up without much by way of popular characters. Probably because most of what I got was handmedown from @galenkp :D
Ken was key. I think on the surface level, people carry in their opinions based on what they have read or, what they think it is meant to be. But while people focus on the obvious "toxic masculinity", how I saw the development of Ken was more of how the pendulum has swung in the opposite direction, and it is just as toxic. For me, it was a movie about the irony of the situation, more than it was to highlight some kind of girl power.
The pendulum has definitely swung the too far. It has swung into downright perverse if you ask me, surreal, bizarre. And yes, toxic. You and honeydue have got me wanting to see the darn thing. Too bad I have to travel 30 miles to the nearest theater, and probably won't.
I am always shocked at some of the movies that parents let their kids watch or take them to. Of course it is their right to do it, but I often have to question if it is the best decision or just the path of least resistance. Either that or just selfishness.
Yeah, it can be weird. Smallsteps is pretty sheltered considering her age. This holiday we watched the Shrek series - and that was scary enough :D We are there with her to talk her through things and she is smart enough to know it isn't real, but if you think about what some of these kids movies contain, it is weird to have three year olds watching them.
More so than movies, I've noticed that I get bothered by song lyrics. It's one of those things that you know every word to but don't necessarily think about.
A lot of the lyrics these days seem like stringing together idioms and sayings. This might be smart, since the audiences are likely to be verbally challenged in their range, so it all seems new.
For sure!
Thinking about watching it outselves, but waiting until our 12 year old comes back from her Italy trip, then you don't have to hire a babysitter for the younger one. :)
I think you will find the humor in it :)
It's a good idea to watch a movie with your wife. I didn't watched barbie movie, but sometimes it's happened to me i start to watch a movie with happiness but it's storyline fails to continue my happiness.
Most movies are disappointing these days. They are not only repetitive, they aren't repeating well.
Yes, repeat the storyline and present in new way 🥲
Lucky Smallsteeps! I wish I could cool off today as well. We have had the hell with 43C today and stiil going on.
Geez! I still remember what it was like through the Australian summers. Can be hell. The hottest I think I have experienced is 48 - crazy.
I am like in an oven :)
Smallsteps made me remember when I was a kid. If my parents take me to a very lovely place, I would not want to go because I enjoyed the place a lot... lol
Going to see a movie is a good idea too. It helps the bond between family members to be more tight especially the memories and time that you all spend together as a whole.
You are a good father and husband figure. Keep it up!
The trouble with Smallsteps is getting her there :D
I haven't been to the cinema for 3 months. But I always take a couple bottles of (small) red Australian or French wine on planes and movies :)
This was the first time (that I remember) drinking in a movie - though I am pretty sure I did it once or twice as a teen - but as said, that I remember :D
Not really the movie and more about getting out I suppose. The selection is rather limited what is available and there is nothing saying to me come watch me yet. Kids are funny like that as much as they don't want to go they find out they actually enjoy it and next time she will be asking to go.
Yeah, there hasn't been much I have wanted to see - but we have the tickets to use.
Kids are funny. No matter how many times she has a great time after whining, the next time is the same.
wow bro you still write ?
Every day - where and how have you been?
Life is too hard taraz I'm waiting someone to take me to america. This is an open announcement to any american citizen female.
No luck at the bazaar?
I am eager to watch this Barbie movie. I don't know why there is so much hype about it. I am feeling FOMO!!
It was a bit of fun at least :)
Nice you went to see an awful movie on how to get girls to think masculinity is toxic. Its funny how today masculinity is toxic until a female needs a man masculinity to have her from any kind of trouble. My toxic masculinity, and nope I do not believe its toxic but society thinks so, is all reserved for my wife and family.
I would of much rather watched Sounds of Freedom. Since you have kids or even no kids it's a very important movie because america along with its allies (yes Canada) are the middle men for slavery of all kinds today. You will get these pedo and groomer supporters try to dismiss this movie because it's all about them and how they are predators for kids.
Only remedy I see with pedos and groomers are bullets. Bullets are the magic pills to cure that disease, I don't think it is a disease. But whatever, you abuse kids you need death.
Support our children, not pedos and groomers.
Have you seen the movie?
Quite a strange comment :D
Nice time there.....once in a while we need to get lost and find ourselves back 😂😂😂😂
It's not on my 'must see' list, but after reading your thoughts about it I may give it a try when it comes to TV.
Can't wait to hear what smallsteps has to say about all her adventures!
I read the post because I wasn't worried about spoilers, I have no intention of watching it but was interested on your take. Doubt I'd take my niece to it to be honest. It doesn't really sound all that much fun, but I'm glad you guys had a Only Just Good Enough night out together 😁