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RE: Education Hive

in Education5 years ago

We don't churn out multiple low quality posts. We don't vote on our own comments. We simply use one relatively short daily post as a seed to help many others.

Copy/paste is low quality bs. You've been doing that for weeks.

This type of posts will continue to be downvoted until you go out there and actually talk to people (on chain, off chain, Discord, etc.) to support your cause. Learn to live with @dlease if you can't negotiate private deals.

Upvoting your repetitive nonsense doesn't advance your cause. That crap is worse than the so-called "curation digest" other projects put out. Yours is nothing more than vote farming in disguise. If you had the decency, or passion, for your project, you'd have enough following to come up with a proposal.

I have never seen a serious initiative where their only method of gaining traction is getting paid $10 per post for using the same copy/paste dribble.


Curation digests are terrible. Like we get it. You vote things. Cool story bro.

Not that I never voted one in my life but now that I think about it they are really counterintuitive.

Get your damn curation digests our of the way so I can consume some good content ffs. Lol

Curation digests at least show the work performed by the curators. Even though I think that's less than ideal.

Their posts here are nothing but a broken record repeating itself and getting those autovotes.

Yeah but it depends on the nature of the digest. One could technically have a bot shitting out metadata on its autovoter and that wouldn't be worth much if anything.

I get some of the services that take the time to maybe summarize a post they had curated. I would see that in a completely diff category than simply bot generated digests.

Yeah, if only we live in an ideal world.

You make an excellent point and we appreciate you saying it. We honestly never thought we were in anyone's way. We just focused on the fact we were boosting others up. But you are 100% right. We are shutting this down. If we can't do a content rich post, we won't do any.

We get what you are saying. When looking only at the snapshot of the past couple of months, we can see 100% where you are coming from. We have always been looking at this from the point of view of the entire 42 moon life of this project. During that time, we have had varying degrees of success but we feel very strongly it has been a net positive. Right now is definitely the low point. But it is quite reasonable for someone not to look that far back.

When we wrote "We don't churn out multiple low quality posts. ", we meant that we don't just sit down for 5 minutes and churn out some garbage. We could easily do that but from our point of view it seemed that a simple daily post was the lesser of two evils (obviously the best choice would be a high quality daily post... but we are really burnt out right now). We respect that you see it the other way around.

You are making some huge leaps that we are not "decent" or "passionate"people. We are decent, passionate... and exhausted.

Would you be willing to remove us from the blacklist if we stopped daily posts until we can get a volunteer to write original posts? If we can't find one, we won't post.

I don't have the power over the blacklists.

I can forward your message to @guiltyparties.

Thank you for cooperating.