Special children in regular classrooms. "The hidden feelings that we must discover".

in Education4 years ago (edited)

Special children in regular classrooms. "The hidden feelings that we must discover".


I want to make the caveat that every parent who has a child with a special condition wants the best for the child, which is completely natural, normal, logical and obvious, precisely in that desire for welfare, it falls into the possibility of placing the child in the so-called "regular school", which is a risk factor for the infant to constantly live in a disturbing environment, I say this because in my years of experience with children with special needs. I say this because in my years of experience as a teacher in regular and special classrooms, I understood it and even on multiple occasions I made the necessary observations, approach and rethinking in this regard.
I repeat, my intention is not to blame the parents or look for a culprit, beyond this is the reflection and the ability to open our eyes and be realistic in pursuit of these great human beings such as special children. In this order of ideas it usually happens that the first day of class and the following days practically the special child in the educational environment (entrance of the school, classroom, recess, exit) lives what I call hospitality full of affection, smiles, kisses, hugs, consideration and even protection, since the special child is formed as the person to take care of in the whole institution, the most "pampered" and "pampered" in his funny and playful gestures.


However, as the days go by, the hospitality to which I was referring becomes hospitality, where the janitor or caretaker who received him as the "new", the new acquisition and center of attention of the whole school, is now seen by the caretaker as the spoiled and problematic child and even this perception extends to those who are in charge of cleaning and logistics, which are the ones who are more around inside the institution, which allows them to visualize the movement of students.
The same thing happens in the classrooms, that special child who was protected, became unprotected, since many children began to notice a certain aggressiveness in him, accompanied by blows, biting, spitting, kicking and hair pulling, among others, whose behavior is not accepted by most, which extend their complaints not only to the classroom teachers, but show their dissatisfaction to their parents to whom they communicate that the special child behaved badly or were somehow assaulted by this.
Of course the teacher's action is not long in coming and begins to raise their concern at the level of their management, possibly with the central theme that the special child does not allow the teaching and learning process in a normal way, the management staff being aware of the situation, is created as special in a big way whose center of attraction is that child, girl or teenager with special educational needs, who may be in an institution of "regular classroom" "fighting alone against the world.
Well, let me emphasize something (they are human beings who have a special condition, who have a special educational need). Therefore, they are crying out for understanding, understanding, the implementation of putting themselves in their place, in their shoes, in their way of thinking, feeling and acting, and that beyond being born with an IQ below the normal average or with autism, multiple disabilities, down syndrome, learning disabilities or any other special condition, they have the right, necessary to be seen above all things as human beings equal to all.
It is necessary that we all understand from the janitor or guard, cleaning and maintenance staff, all administrative staff and especially the students or educated, that they are children with special educational needs and that somehow we must learn to adapt to these and understand why they spit, scream, convulse, pull hair, give blows, kicks, pinches.
It is a common understanding of the whole school that these children, like all human beings, are capable of developing feelings that have to do with affection, rejection, acceptance, isolation, subjugation and that many times they spit, convulse, scream or hit because of mechanical reactions of their bodies that only they feel at that moment in their strangers and that possibly they use them as a defense mechanism or they are at that moment attending to the large number of other students in the classroom or because of excessive noise or any other environmental factor that disturbs them, including (with respect to all teaching colleagues) the strategies of many teachers that due to lack of guidance or training are inadequate for the child at a given time, since their learning pace is slow or much slower than it is necessary to be applied individually according to the child's condition.
In this order of ideas, it is necessary to comment that the attention of a special child in a "regular school" has some difference with respect to the attention of a school to attend children with special educational needs, including at the level of the structure that the institution must have, since a special child needs a classroom according to his condition, also bathrooms and recreational spaces and of course a teaching staff and technical team that is aware of the individual condition of each child, as well as the pedagogical strategy necessary to comply with the teaching-learning process.
In such a way that is in a situation that involves the whole society in general, starting with the policies and guidelines of the Ministry of Education and the various educational areas at the regional level that are responsible, including of course to management, teachers, administrative, workers and of course the parents or representatives.



Bibliography and references:

Ministry of Education. (1997). conceptualization and policy for the integral educational attention of the person with mental retardation. caracas Venezuela: Author

Image reference:



Very good write.. Keep this up the good deeds.

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