Cheers man! Glad to see that you’ve got a new community kicking off next week, that’s awesome! I think one of my favorite things is jumping into a community and building it from the ground up. You have to find something that people will want, and spread the message around for but it ends up being quite a bit of fun! I’ll be looking forward to your community post, I’ll subscribe to it and see if I can drop a post or two in there!
Good job on the power up and powering up someone else! That’s a wonderful thing to do and it’s great to pay it forward by helping out other people. I think you can get to your hive goals! You can subtract 3% of that from what you need from hive inflation. That gives you a little bit of hive power every day, I think it’s every 8 hours but I don’t know for sure. Plus the curation rewards are great when they kick up!
For your health challenges - have you tried acupuncture for your shoulder? That’s done wonders for my wife in her issues with her back and allergies. It does great for pain and it is pretty inexpensive! A lot of health plans are covering it these days so you should look into that! If it doesn’t though, I still seriously recommend it. It’s a lot better than pain pills which are brutal for your life if you get addicted and it’s not surgery, which nobody truly wants. Hopefully you can get some relief from it!
I would stay away from a root canal - if you have 60 minutes I highly recommend watching this incredible documentary The Root Cause on how bad root canals are for our bodies. Not trying to scare you but they are not good!
The community is something I think will be fun. I made some hard but I think obtainable Hive goals. I will review them quarterly.
The shoulder I have also tried heat packs, cream, and even got a massage or two. Only really temporarily relief. I'm hoping it's not a torn rotator cup. I have a lot of symptoms of that but I'm not a doctor. Maybe acupuncture might aid it's not a too expensive as my insurance probably covers it.
The root canal video dang, hehe. I watched enough to realize I should take it more serious. Never realized all those health and mental issues could be the cause of root canal cavity. I had one in my thirties that I waited too long to take care of, I won't wait that long this time.
Hope you give acupuncture a whirl! It's great, I've done it a few times myself!
The root canal stuff.. it's crazy! You should watch the whole thing. It's pretty wild and makes a lot of sense. These doctors aren't recommending all kinds of other stuff that make them money, but to stay away from the root canals because they are truly no bueno!