The community is something I think will be fun. I made some hard but I think obtainable Hive goals. I will review them quarterly.
The shoulder I have also tried heat packs, cream, and even got a massage or two. Only really temporarily relief. I'm hoping it's not a torn rotator cup. I have a lot of symptoms of that but I'm not a doctor. Maybe acupuncture might aid it's not a too expensive as my insurance probably covers it.
The root canal video dang, hehe. I watched enough to realize I should take it more serious. Never realized all those health and mental issues could be the cause of root canal cavity. I had one in my thirties that I waited too long to take care of, I won't wait that long this time.
Hope you give acupuncture a whirl! It's great, I've done it a few times myself!
The root canal stuff.. it's crazy! You should watch the whole thing. It's pretty wild and makes a lot of sense. These doctors aren't recommending all kinds of other stuff that make them money, but to stay away from the root canals because they are truly no bueno!