One user in the comments I replied to agreed that he was hasty into doing what you were prompting people to do and took the vote back, left you a long comment explaining why which you ignored because you're probably too busy chasing your narrative or most likely attempting to ride this attention to some rewards by the looks of it.
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i speak with futuremind daily
you basically intimidated them
it was pretty disgusting actually
Did I intimidate you? @futuremind
Cause that was not my goal at all. I understand people act quick and don't think about certain things too much, I can go back a few months and pick up any of my comments on that day and probably not agree anymore cause I use the platform casually and am not too worried about the immutability of it all. So I get why he did what he did but I appreciate his messages and that he thought it over, even if he hadn't it wouldn't have meant any repercussions from my side or OCD's activities whatsoever, though.
The difference between you and him is that he's actually providing value to Hive with awesome content.
i'm ever so glad you personally approve