100% downvote on this post from acidyo an hour ago
Step one: scare all your critics into NOT VOTING (so nobody "opposes you")
Step two: convince people who might vote for lower ranked witnesses that they "don't understand" the technical aspects and or they need to do "more research"
Step three: vote for yourself and claim "the community supports me"
(IFF) you disagree with steemcleaners and or spaminator and or hivewatchers (THEN) stop voting for witnesses who support them and their universal blacklist
@r0nd0n why are you supporting these downvoters ?

Your scathing critique is requested.
Seeing as things got so borked on HIVE, I have
reconsidered my not voting policy in favor of
proxying my witness votes to your selection.
this is a great honor
Thanks so much for researching 30 Free-Speech Witnesses!
I think this will make a fantastic asset for conscientious HIVE-
folk to consider when voting for a witness who better represents
their interests. Is there any pathway that witnesses might consider
to make your list on the off chance that it grows beyond 30?
Let them eat monkey stew.
No problem.
I honestly didn't want to do this, I thought I could just proxy my vote to some reasonable person, but every account I looked at supported witnesses who had either downvoted me directly or downvoted someone I know.
I'm willing to talk to any of the witnesses, I've had conversations with blocktrades and marky and guilty and even logic and I'm convinced they are intelligent and well intentioned individuals.
I never expect to agree or disagree with ANYONE 100% on everything.
If I can't disagree with you on 50% of what you believe, then I'm not a proper skeptic.
Never blindly agree - - NEVER BLINDLY DISAGREE
it was only a matter of time before censorship crippled this platform like every other. those are the times we live in. thanks for fighting the good fight, just updated my witness votes for the first time in years =)
I can't support this as the very first one on your list of "Free Speech Supporters" is bogus. An Anti-Free-Speech charlatan who fights against "the good guys" if they dare point out the Rothschild cabal in any way shape or form. He then proceeds to lie and engage in LIBEL against those he wishes to SILENCE. He then goes on about how it is still on the blockchain so "you still have your free speech".
Credibility, is earned or lost by such support. I see that you are trying to do a good thing, but perhaps you are a little quick on the 'good guy' label.
This is only an example. It went on from there and he did not retract, nor rectify, nor admit any error whatsoever. You were aware of it too. So, can you tell me why you support him a for "Free Speech"? Perhaps you forgot?
I didn't detect any downvotes, only disagreement.
Disagreement is good.
Downvoting for differences of opinion is bad.
Any other suggestions ?
As long as those whales are in charge of the raping and pillaging, and that raping and pillaging is still allowed, the only suggestion I have is, don't feed the beast. Your time is more valuable than tossing it into their demon pit lies, deceit, obfuscation, and general bullshit.
This is a dark place as it stands. I am amazed that there are any real humans left at all.
They need the top 18 spots in order to make any changes to the code.
I'm not trying to "change the world" but apparently merely talking about witness votes has them twitching.
Why else would acid bother giving me a 100% downvote ?
The least you can do is to get under their skin a little by voting for NOT the current top 50.
True. At one time I would have cared to. Right now it just doesn't matter to me anymore since it is a distant triple digit on my list of priorities. The world is having its tracks laid for the next stage.
As I have said before, I would rather spend my time on something that isn't toxic infested already. I'll get to the witness list thing at least though. Just for principle.
I've always known you to stand on principle.
"Conceived solely to protect you"
Here, one of my all time favorites:
welcome to the new cult(ure)
Don't forget their fine followup. The Old Man will have a whole lot of new stamps to collect soon. And the record skips on.....
That is the offender, well one of.
This is what started it:
new list
I didn't proxy you, but I did adjust my votes.
I noticed that you voted for the Hive Witness Node listed at the #7 on your screenshot. It is unknown who the operator of that Hive account is, and they literally (used to) pay HIVE to other users to vote for them as Hive Witness.
as long as they're not downvoting anyone, sharing their witness earnings with their supporters sounds like exactly what curie and curangel and even hivewatchers do.
I really think that we should use our downvotes to downvote those that are publishing categorically illegal content or obvious spam. That said, I don't want to support anyone who buys (Witness) votes.
updated now
This guy always use to come after me for pointing out Israel's crimes. Nothing more hypocritical then a "free speech" or "freedom" advocate that live in and ignores the literally apartheid going on in his/her own country.
And since you removed one of the most heinous offenders from the "Free Speech Supporter"(not sure whateverthefuck gave you that idea in the first place), I CAN support your post(and message).
you are a god among men
I'm not really for or against hivewatchers or the other anti abuse groups, Hive watchers does a good deal of good handling very obvious abuse and scams etc BUT.. I do find they make quite a few false flags and also their attitude to people trying to sort stuff out can be quite terrible sometimes.. Hense why I don't directly support them.
Generally I stay neutral.
this looks perfect
It should be common knowledge that you don't downvote someone just because you disagree with them. Leave a comment and say your peace or post a contrary argument. I have made you my proxy good sir.
I don't disagree with these posts being rewarded.
So according to you it's not okay to downvote someone based on disagreement but it's okay to start a witchhunt to unvote their witnesses based on disagreement?
I'd argue that there shouldn't be a downvote button at all. And yes, I threw a few of my votes in when I discovered Hive without knowing the politics. Now that I know there is a segment of the population here that are willing to hide another person's words, I wish to re-allocate my votes.
Your words from a brandnew account mean way less than any downvoted comment could ever.
I hope I'm the only "brandnew account" you respond to with such contempt. I imagine Splinterlands has been bringing a ton of them, me being among them.
GRRREAT Comeback!
!gif applause
Via Tenor
Then maybe read what I said, I didn't downvote due to disagreement of opinion, although I disagree with him spreading misinformation about me trying to "censor" people which is ridiculous. I disagree with shit like this being reward worthy content, especially when it's the same people voting it up who have their agenda and dislike my downvotes on valueless influencers milking the rewardpool.
This be a good point 👆
The downvote is the mechanism that prevents spam and scams. For those reasons it's necessary.
I can see that as a necessary reason to have it 🙂. It's difficult for people not to abuse it when they can apply it with great force against a community member who might be saying something offensive or what-have-you. You're gonna find people who say stuff that you believe is complete quackery, while I might not believe a lot of it, let em say it if they don't have it on 24/7 repeat.
You're thinking of flagging, downvotes can have more reasons.
I do not see a separate button for flags and downvotes. They are one and the same thing, AFAIK.
It is not the same thing. Witnesses are supposed to effect and defend Hive. The most valuable aspect of Hive is free speech, and if they're attacking that, they're failing at their job of defending Hive.
I disagree anyone that flags because of their personal opinion is worthy of my VP. A house divided against itself will fall.
Protect the walls and the occupants, or you're not protecting the Hive.
Again he's spreading misinformation about me, same as you are here by thinking I'm downvoting things cause I don't agree with them. He literally got caught redhanded attempting to degrade my character cause he couldn't bother reading a "short shitpost" he later judged me for getting half of the rewards of. I'm done talking to all of you bunch.
I appreciate the measured reply. However, I observe the downvotes with my own eyes on every comment he makes, as well as the upvotes he has cast on your own.
what discord are you talking about?
also who even are you? not surprised about your reputation but how come you're even commenting on my stuff
wait, an unvote demands a higher standard of evidence than a downvote ???
As a witness... You should be familiar with the concept of Bad Publicity!
As a curator I should keep adjusting rewards up and down how I believe brings the most value to Hive. I'm not one for politics.
And its why you're off my witness list FOR now 🥓😎👍
Nothing personal 🙏🖕🙏
Just Business.
And my Human Write to INFLUENCE Other's Decisions... Is on Overdrive ATM so HIVE!Reguards. And well wishes. ✌️❤️🥓
I just don't agree with people using cheap tactics and lame reasons to attempt to get others to unvote.
i have no gifts to bestow and no threats at my disposal
It's more symbolic than anything, but your actions actually pulled me to log in this one more time and let you know I proxied my whopping 5HP to your witness voting. It's all I have left here after pulling my stake more than a year ago, but who knows, maybe there will be a witness or so that will be enough to be the deciding factor for your knocking them out of the top 20. :)
Glad to see you're not just gone.
The point of guerilla war is not to succeed. It's always been just to make the enemy bleed.
"I care not what they BCH about! So long as they do it on My Meta!" ~Mark$UCKaBerg
!gif Meta
Via Tenor
even lunatics deserve individual sovereignty
I have voted for all in the list.
tag @valued-customer - case in point
I honestly didn't want to do this, I thought I could just proxy my vote to some reasonable person, but every account I looked at supported witnesses who had either downvoted me directly or downvoted someone I know.
I'm willing to talk to any of the witnesses, I've had conversations with blocktrades and marky and guilty and even logic and I'm convinced they are intelligent and well intentioned individuals.
I never expect to agree or disagree with ANYONE 100% on everything.
If I can't disagree with you on 50% of what you believe, then I'm not a proper skeptic.
Never blindly agree - - NEVER BLINDLY DISAGREE
it's ok to downvote people associated with other downvoted accounts - - but somehow it's not ok to UNVOTE witnesses associated with the downvoters
Not like I was going out of my way to find who those people are, you were quite spammy.
please be slightly more specific
I literally replied to the comment in question, aside from not reading posts like your cross-post here, can you also not comprehend what you're reading?
you're doing exactly what you say you're against
i simply retransmitted your own post
like a retweet
usually people are happy when their post gets reposted
and I literally told you that it says in the post that it's about web2 which me nor many others here don't care about, as long as it helps shed more attention to Hive I don't care if people trade likes or follows. Yet you're again ignoring the fact that 1. I told you. 2. You cross-posted it without reading just to attempt to throw dirt at me cause you disagreed with some of my downvotes.
It's really fucking ridiculous, childish and borderline cringe. On top of that attempting to get people to unvote witnesses and many of them blindly agreeing cause they don't know better.
Like flagging people whose content is drawing eyeballs and engagement just because you don't happen to agree with it?
Hypocrite much?
i see, so now it's a crime to disagree with you ?
you're the one being "fucking ridiculous, childish and borderline cringe"
and despite your attempts at negative characterization, nobody is "blindly" doing anything
@angryman - please consider updating your witness votes
@ctime - please consider updating your witness votes
I have reviewed and adjusted my votes - I still had curie in the mix.
I been free speech since day 1. Got in some arguments and flagged several times because of it, but I ain't going away.
How is downvoting a post I didn't feel deserved post rewards on the 6th day censorship or against free speech, mate?
Do you think this post is reward worthy? Is it great content? Or just the usuals jumping to vote it up to fit their narrative cause they don't like my downvotes on content creators that bring literally 0 fucking value to Hive.
I didn't down or upvote this bro. Was just commenting on the free speech part since I was tagged 😁
Downvote posts on the Trending page that make $100, are a bunch of photos from someone's weekend hike or a day in the kitchen just once and we'll take you seriously.
Also not even really relevant, many of the people on trending have worked hard to eventually get the rewards they get. Can you say the same about @dbroze, @pressfortruth, @highimpactflix and all the other garbage "influncers" we seem to love to throw stake at?
They're not even linking to Hive from any of their other socials they're milking revenue from.
Fyi. I told our curators not to give them big upvotes. Your feedback was heard and acted on. We agree with you on this specific point.
I've personally tried to link to Hive and I use Threespeak on purpose to try to bring political content creators to the blockchain that I know. They don't stay. They don't even try. Because they see someone who doesn't agree with their views downvoting someone's work into oblivion. Some have already had their livelihood attacked elsewhere. Hive should be a place for them to come (along with their audience) and be able to make a living here. It's not. It's toxic. The downvoting doesn't go both ways.
and what about those that were getting tons of votes, constant trending and still didn't even try to use Hive? Should we just let them continue to receive rewards constantly while bringing no value to Hive?
You fail to acknowledge that information has value in and of itself.
Look, I don't fault you for being a Hive booster. I'm quite in favor of it. However, actually boosting requires acknowledging faults and rectifying and mitigating them - not exacerbating them.
As a witness you are not chosen to choose what viewpoints are allowable. Doing that with the VP you are availed as a witness is abusing your position IMHO.
More to the point, as my opinion is of no merit, is that it's definitely discouraging onboarding. You remind me of a cutter saying 'it's better than KYS myself.' It's worse to do everything in your power to completely obliterate someone's voice than just to reduce it's visibility and discourage it's author, but BOTH are censorship.
You should upvote posts you disagree with that make their points well and attract eyeballs, because that increases engagement and onboarding by creating a vibrant discussion. That would be better for Hive than some arbitrary line you draw in the sand based on your judgment of the value brought to Hive.
Like @logiczombie is doing to you.
Hive is more than a device. It's a community of people discussing things that matter to them. Not all people discuss things you think matter, but your opinion is insufficient to account for all of the billions of interests and concerns society has.
Since you are here to protect the community, you should protect the entire community, and particularly those that your opinion doesn't mirror - unless you think you can make Hive work as a one man society.
PS, that comment didn't include you, but come on don't ruin firefly for me.
Wouldn't really compare a bunch of the same people, half of them having a history of abuse on the chain flocking to the posts of same people constantly - soaring, or compare it to one of my favorite tv shows that was canceled too abruptly.
I agree that these accounts dump content here... Yes. And I have SO many dogs in the fight.... At least 3.
And to be Frank...
Im mor Mal than Markey.
Guess you should take me seriously then cause I do do that.
Ron is just the best overall at everything, there you go - I said it.
good to know
You're very welcome! I think we burn a lot of people with the way the voting system is not kept evolving to come up to the challenges of human stupidity or ingenuity. Ron understands that, I know he does.
does ron run a witness server ?
r0nd0n = good guy
Yeah that’s true.
I wouldn't downvote this post if rewards were forfeited, FYI.
should everyone forfeit rewards ?
No but it's not really reward worthy content in my opinion, aside from everything wrong with it and putting words in my mouth. Most people wouldn't accept rewards if they have something to announce or point out like you're doing in this post.
which specific words did i put "in your mouth" ?
i never claimed you actually said any of that
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Check out the last post from @hivebuzz:
Support the HiveBuzz project. Vote for our proposal!
The point of guerilla war is not to succeed. It's always been just to make the enemy bleed.
tag @ryzeonline - case in point
tag @theycallmedan - case in point
you can click each of the witness names in the list and select "approve witness" at the top right of their profile

Here's an easy option,
click here,
scroll to the bottom of the list and add logiczombie as your proxy
@drutter - please consider updating your witness votes
hurry, censor it!
you'll have to explain whether it is that you hate kinders, love them, or just want them all.
the song is about bullies
adults who act like children
ah ok lol I don't know why i was thinking you were speaking for yourself...
poe's law
ura-soul made a post about getting downvoted and this is the response

Sorry but how is this relevant to what witnesses do? Should I make posts asking everyone to vote me every time I do something positive on Hive aside from producing blocks? Would be a bit weird no? So why is it less weird to make a post spam tagging people to unvote a witness cause you got downvotes or disagreed with that person downvotes?
it's not "spam" if the people tagged are upvoting my post
Seems a bit desperate is all. Not like you're being censored, I found this post on peakd's trending and I have you muted.
interesting dime-store psychoanalysis
so, what "message" were you trying to send with that 100% downvote ?
That this isn't content nor rewardworthy and I've lost a lot of respect of some of the upvoters voting this garbage up or agreeing with the message. If they did it manually.
If witnesses started colluding to actually delete/edit posts from blocks on the other hand, I'd join you in unvoting them as that's actual censorship.
did you accidentally vote for my post ?
@v4vapid: 11.629 @tribesteemup: 3.265 @j85063: 0.603 @deepdives: 0.595 @informationwar: 0.458 @frankbacon: 0.451 @zyx066: 0.427 @kristall97: 0.381 @anthonyadavisii: 0.355 @pishio: 0.315 @lighteye: 0.287 @steemflagrewards: 0.277 @drakos: 0.210 @operahoser: 0.180 @mysearchisover: 0.172
Your pretense that flagging isn't censorship reveals the essential deception that underlies your use of the position of witness to censor speech you personally disagree with, despite that VP being availed you for your defense of the chain that potentiates that speech.
I reckon you should stick to your knitting or resign your position as you are abusing it. If you aren't competent to use the dictionary definition to support your position on what is or isn't censorship, I've no interest in delivering VP to you, especially when you fail to grasp that the single most valuable aspect of Hive is free speech - not it's token. The worse censorship becomes elsewhere, the more valuable free speech becomes. That's what gives the token value in a world flooded with tokens.
Free speech is literally a life and death issue in a great many ways, and pretense that speech translated into Assembly language isn't censorship is a load of bollocks. People can die because of censorship, and some may already have because Hive has allowed too much of it.
The gravy train you ride is availed solely because of free speech. The reason Hive didn't long ago surpass BTC in valuation is because of censorship and dissembling about it.
Don't kill the goose laying golden eggs.
should everyone pre-submit their work to you personally to see if you approve ?
Great witness list.
That user and another have been reposting content, one of them has appealed and gotten out of hivewatchers blacklist as far as I know.
Do you even do any research at all or just blatantly jump on any opportunity to give anyone you don't agree with shit like OP?
Im glad you asked...
Im privy to KYC.
I had a PHONE CALL with The author of this post.
And "Research"?
Go see if youre even responding to the right person. I have every reason to be here
She's not even blacklisted anymore? Why did you post a screenshot saying 4h ago, lol.
I know she's connected to alejandrop and he was also blacklisted for a while for reposting content and then got off of it with a warning. Figured it was the same issue there.
apparently we struck a nerve
ura-soul is on the list
steempeak is supported by both acid and guilty
we-the-people is dead