I've personally tried to link to Hive and I use Threespeak on purpose to try to bring political content creators to the blockchain that I know. They don't stay. They don't even try. Because they see someone who doesn't agree with their views downvoting someone's work into oblivion. Some have already had their livelihood attacked elsewhere. Hive should be a place for them to come (along with their audience) and be able to make a living here. It's not. It's toxic. The downvoting doesn't go both ways.
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and what about those that were getting tons of votes, constant trending and still didn't even try to use Hive? Should we just let them continue to receive rewards constantly while bringing no value to Hive?
You fail to acknowledge that information has value in and of itself.
Look, I don't fault you for being a Hive booster. I'm quite in favor of it. However, actually boosting requires acknowledging faults and rectifying and mitigating them - not exacerbating them.
As a witness you are not chosen to choose what viewpoints are allowable. Doing that with the VP you are availed as a witness is abusing your position IMHO.
More to the point, as my opinion is of no merit, is that it's definitely discouraging onboarding. You remind me of a cutter saying 'it's better than KYS myself.' It's worse to do everything in your power to completely obliterate someone's voice than just to reduce it's visibility and discourage it's author, but BOTH are censorship.
You should upvote posts you disagree with that make their points well and attract eyeballs, because that increases engagement and onboarding by creating a vibrant discussion. That would be better for Hive than some arbitrary line you draw in the sand based on your judgment of the value brought to Hive.
Like @logiczombie is doing to you.
Hive is more than a device. It's a community of people discussing things that matter to them. Not all people discuss things you think matter, but your opinion is insufficient to account for all of the billions of interests and concerns society has.
Since you are here to protect the community, you should protect the entire community, and particularly those that your opinion doesn't mirror - unless you think you can make Hive work as a one man society.
Yeah I'm sure many feel like I should protect a spammer like logiczombie. Come on.
While you may not agree with his speech, it is disingenuous to call his posts and comments spam, except that here in his blog he has repeated several comments (that I am not upvoting BTW, because they are simply repetition).
As a rule, he puts thought and research into his posts, and does not spam. I've never seen it if he does, and I've been following him for a long time.
It is particularly those we do not agree with whose speech we should protect and consider most carefully. Those that agree with you and only say thing you already know can teach you nothing. Them who disagree and speak things we aren't familiar with can - if considered with an open mind - teach us things we did not know, or show us we are wrong, giving us the opportunity to become right by changing our minds.
Indeed only folks sharing information we are unfamiliar with enable us to learn anything at all.
As a witness you are the wall that defends Hive from spam and scammers, censorship, and technical errors. If the community on Hive must be completely in agreement with you before you will defend their speech here, I do not support your witness.
I urge you in the strongest possible terms to carefully consider that, and to affirm that you are absolutely supportive of free speech, which only has meaning if you support the speech of those you disagree with. Even the worst censors protect their own ideas.