
interesting dime-store psychoanalysis

so, what "message" were you trying to send with that 100% downvote ?

That this isn't content nor rewardworthy and I've lost a lot of respect of some of the upvoters voting this garbage up or agreeing with the message. If they did it manually.

If witnesses started colluding to actually delete/edit posts from blocks on the other hand, I'd join you in unvoting them as that's actual censorship.

did you accidentally vote for my post ?

@v4vapid: 11.629 @tribesteemup: 3.265 @j85063: 0.603 @deepdives: 0.595 @informationwar: 0.458 @frankbacon: 0.451 @zyx066: 0.427 @kristall97: 0.381 @anthonyadavisii: 0.355 @pishio: 0.315 @lighteye: 0.287 @steemflagrewards: 0.277 @drakos: 0.210 @operahoser: 0.180 @mysearchisover: 0.172

No, I didn't accidentally upvote this post. I upvoted it to show support for content creators and communities who are being specifically targeted with massive downvotes. Plus, you're comment section is often quite lively.

That being said, I don't agree with everything in your post, rather that it's a fair discussion to have concerning calcification of top 21 witnesses. From my experience in the space, DPOS systems tend to inevitably devolve into cartels. I think this is an unintended feature of the system and one that is not easily resolved and/or find ways to put in place some sort of safeguards against it.

who are being specifically targeted with massive downvotes.

So you've literally spent no time checking what else I downvote or why I downvote things but assume that I'm targeting specific creators and/or communities?

Cartels are real on eos, we've discussed this in the past, on Hive only a fraction of inflation goes to witnesses so users can easily overcome any vote-trading and also make noise about such actions. The garbage you voted up above is not such "noise" of real concern, more like a baby crying because someone took away undeserving rewards of content creators which he doesn't agree with and went on a rant.

Reading the comment below, you agree you look like an idiot for voting for a witness who uses his downvote mana on disagreement of rewards? I'm starting to think you've all lost your minds before the pandemic began.

So you've literally spent no time checking what else I downvote or why I downvote things but assume that I'm targeting specific creators and/or communities?

I have spent some time looking at your downvoting patterns with HiveSQL and other large stake holders. I don't assume anything. From what I can tell, you spread out your downvotes across a wide range of users and communities. My comment is not directed at you personally.

Reading the comment below, you agree you look like an idiot for voting for a witness who uses his downvote mana on disagreement of rewards? I'm starting to think you've all lost your minds before the pandemic began.

Do I agree that I look like an idiot for voting for witnesses who use their downvotes on disagreement on rewards?
Is that a fact?
Is that what I think?
Who is assuming?

Simply because I upvote a comment or post does not mean that I agree with it.
I think disagreement of opinion, while maintaining respect, is healthy for discussions and for the ecosystem as a general principal.

If it's a disagreement on rewards, that's fine. However, this justification leaves open the possibility that some large downvoters can use this argument to cover for disagreement of opinion or in some instances abuse of the free downvote mana. What I mean here, is that when users challenge the downvotes (justified or not) they are ridiculed and have all of there recent posts zeroed simply for displaying their frustration or asking for the reason for the downvotes.

We often tell downvoters, to stop bitching, crying and ranting... instead of listening to their concerns constructively.

You and I have something in common, we both have been blessed with sizeable delegations. I think you would also agree that with these large delegations comes great responsibility.
You're one of the few downvoters that is willing to try to communicate your downvotes, that is more than I can say for other large accounts that downvote users into oblivion without so much as a single comment.

In terms of cartels, my point is that they can and do occur in DPOS ecosystems. The amount of Hive going to witnesses is not really the point. It's the concentration of Hive/HP into smaller and smaller inner groups. This would also include whales and large curation trails and with more HP deciding on what is and what isn't valued content/contributions to the ecosystem. Now, you could argue that this is simply 'aligning incentives' or another view is that this could represent the centralization of a decentralized ecosystem.

I agree with you that zero'ing content is never good and I personally am against it, even some users that have close to 0 interactions but are leeching off autovotes I don't zero. Better to just disincentivize both voter and author a little so they improve.

You voted up a witchhunt post that not only attempts to defame my actions but also spreads nonsense and lies and encourages people to proxy witness votes which should've been a lesson many should've learned during the hive hardfork and airdrop, whether or not you agree it's still not something that should be encouraged and you as a responsible delegatee should know that.

On top of that you decide to unvote our witness which, let's not even get into what we do for hive and value we bring, but because you disagree with our downvotes? It's nice that you mention that I have been vocal about my actions but at the same time it's not something that should be discouraged and punished while others who don't attempt to protect the rewardpool from what they believe is overrewarded content from little to no value creators but are pretty much afk and do nothing get to go on in blissful ignorance without any repercussions.

Maybe we should split part of the rewardpool towards the downvote mana cause all I get from downvoting is endless arguments and bullshit like this. Yes, it's great that we can create posts like these and bring up issues, that puts us aside from EOS by a mile already and many other dpos chains, but at least have the decency to decline rewards so you don't encourage half the crazies, vulgar and straight up delusional people I've had to deal with lately to continue stirring shit up. Especially when it's unfounded.

From my experience in the space, DPOS systems tend to inevitably devolve into cartels.

And we just look like idiots if we vote for witnesses that downvote us and delegate to those downvoting us.

please consider reviewing your witness votes

each and every account has exactly 30 witness votes assigned

UNUSED votes are de facto votes for the oligarchy


I am sad I accidentally didn't vote it up. Trying to fix that in comments now.

The @informationwar and @deepdives upvote both follow eachother, if @informationwar upvotes something so does @deepdives, and vice versa.

In cases of our upvoting, we read the super majority of a post and then manually upvote it.

See, all it takes is more friends in the hive than on the referee's side.
Why they would downvote a comment that doesn't have an upvote can only be about the reputation.
His is lower than your's, so it has no impact on you.
Seems odd behavior out of one that should know all that.

No accident for deepdives and informationwar

No, I did it intentionally, @logiczombie

Was I not supposed to?

apparently acidyo is making some sort of list

Nope. It was manual. And because I'm not a fan of the few hypocrite self-righteous whales wanting to control everybody while they milk the rewards themselves. It's been going on since ages on STEEM/HIVE.

well, this witness vote thing seems to have grabbed their attention

To be honest, it's not a real threat to the highly placed positions, they have whale votes that cannot be easily displaced by the minnow votes. Before HIVE forked, there was a super whale (freedom aka pumpkin) with the #1 stake, he could swing the top 20 witnesses. He stopped voting after the STEEM debacle, so that leaves blocktrades with that ability, because he is now the #1 stakeholder. However, it's the thought that counts, every vote matters.

it certainly seems to have caused something of a stir

if you really don't think your vote matters, perhaps consider setting me as a proxy



I Intentionally UPvoted it 100% because!
I hope THIS answers your question directly. HIVE!Regards ✊😎🥓👍


Your pretense that flagging isn't censorship reveals the essential deception that underlies your use of the position of witness to censor speech you personally disagree with, despite that VP being availed you for your defense of the chain that potentiates that speech.

I reckon you should stick to your knitting or resign your position as you are abusing it. If you aren't competent to use the dictionary definition to support your position on what is or isn't censorship, I've no interest in delivering VP to you, especially when you fail to grasp that the single most valuable aspect of Hive is free speech - not it's token. The worse censorship becomes elsewhere, the more valuable free speech becomes. That's what gives the token value in a world flooded with tokens.

Free speech is literally a life and death issue in a great many ways, and pretense that speech translated into Assembly language isn't censorship is a load of bollocks. People can die because of censorship, and some may already have because Hive has allowed too much of it.

The gravy train you ride is availed solely because of free speech. The reason Hive didn't long ago surpass BTC in valuation is because of censorship and dissembling about it.

Don't kill the goose laying golden eggs.

should everyone pre-submit their work to you personally to see if you approve ?

No I use my downvotes if I don't approve of something being rewarded, you can too!

Alright done wasting time for today, go do something of value for once.

Do the posts on the Trending page all deserve their rewards?

What's wrong with new authors who are active, receive engagement and post content people enjoy consuming getting rewards?

I do agree though that some authors rancho seems to want to vote too often for some reason should receive some downvotes to adjust the rewards, as I've done with tatoodjay and many others in the past. Also those engaging actively in votetrading or delegating in exchange for votes that goes against proof of brain.

What's wrong with authors that have been here for years, receive engagement and support (maybe not always on Hive and post content people that aren't you enjoy consuming and getting rewards?

Nothing. And there is nothing with the posts on the Trending page getting $100.

I'm not the one downvoting. I don't downvote shit.