To be honest, it's not a real threat to the highly placed positions, they have whale votes that cannot be easily displaced by the minnow votes. Before HIVE forked, there was a super whale (freedom aka pumpkin) with the #1 stake, he could swing the top 20 witnesses. He stopped voting after the STEEM debacle, so that leaves blocktrades with that ability, because he is now the #1 stakeholder. However, it's the thought that counts, every vote matters.
To be honest, it's not a real threat to the highly placed positions, they have whale votes that cannot be easily displaced by the minnow votes. Before HIVE forked, there was a super whale (freedom aka pumpkin) with the #1 stake, he could swing the top 20 witnesses. He stopped voting after the STEEM debacle, so that leaves blocktrades with that ability, because he is now the #1 stakeholder. However, it's the thought that counts, every vote matters.
it certainly seems to have caused something of a stir
if you really don't think your vote matters, perhaps consider setting me as a proxy
I've been a witness for 4 years, I know how that game works and who I'm voting for, and I choose carefully.
see, that's the part i don't get
if you think you can't change anything
then is your vote just some sort of token fealty or loyalty oath ?