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RE: Day 369, 148,690 KIA. Pro Putin trolls downvotes! Red army cut off?

in Deep Dives2 years ago

The farmer peace process.

Total withdrawal of Russia from Ukraine.

Reparations reconstruction for Ukraine out of the seized assets and continued sanctions.

Nuclear weapons disarmament of Russia.

Absolutely no humanitarian aid to Russia or allowances of sanction relief until nuclear weapon disarmament has been 100% achieved.

Nuclear weapons treaty signature that Russia will never own any nuclear weapons for the rest of human history. As well as an acknowledgment of the year of continued nuclear annihilation threats against countries across the globe.

Just like Germany at the end of world war I as well as Germany and Japan at the end world war II. Requirements for no standing military, and complete access to the country for nuclear energy inspectors as well as nuclear weapons inspectors and regulators.

The dissolution of the Russian federation.
Not only should this happen but also the history of Soviet Russia and the Russian federation reboot should be common knowledge. Including the starvation of the ukrainians as well as all the other horrific crimes against humanity and dictatorships being supported.

Ahahahahahahahaha, I'm sure Russia is thrilled to agree to that.