Day 369, 148,690 KIA. Pro Putin trolls downvotes! Red army cut off?

in Deep Dives2 years ago


Well now.

My thoughts.... Hmmmmmmm

I can see this absolutely happening absolutely opening up a false breakthrough and allowing the Russian forces to blunder forward and then pulling the floodgates on a dam and swamping everything. It's pretty hard to move in the middle of a flood and that just completely and totally shut down an entire huge "breakthrough"

If this is the case I'm going to be completely and thoroughly floored. In fact it would be one of the most incredible strategic operations ever conducted in the 21st century. It also be the first legendary environmental tactical usage of the century. And most likely it could render a massive amount of equipment and personnel surrendered and captured. Making a huge capture of this Red army element a massive publicity win....

Trolls downvoting.

Oh well I can't please everyone.
Thank you thank you thank you everyone who has invested in me! This part isn't about you. I got a lot of amazing Friends however all of a sudden I got....

I'm over valued. He got upset and now is removing his vote. Well. That's quite a shame. I'm crying... Shrug oh well.

Well I'm going to look into my trail trigger and set it up to vote the deepdives community as well. I value the community and support its work. I think I want to continue supporting this community especially since it's done some amazing things to support me.

However let's not forget that this person lost a conversation about an unsourced article. His emotional reaction now has downvoted me for an entire week and he's covered it up by coming back and revoting my posted it much lesser...

So anyway he is screwing himself which I am dying of laughter and he's also pointing out the fact that he is a really sore loser and he's really upset about something.

Is offendedness actually is pretty offensive and as much as I'd like to talk some sense into him if he's really going to cry and take away his rewards I think he is absolutely allowed to take his what $1.50 or whatever it is away for me. And go ahead and screw himself in the process.

I really can't complain as I am doing a okay and I'm perfectly happy however being sneaky and acting like this just shows that you're being a little bitch because you lost a conversation. There is a huge difference between fiction and reporting. Until we actually have the evidence come out

But this is exactly what's wrong with the world the passive aggressive power trip. Being judgmental and obviously upset however you won't actually directly confront what is the problem and instead decided to take it out on somebody else.

But I mean hey it is what it is and it is content and I'm going to put it in here because this is the repercussions that I'm getting and the kick back over just simply writing about the conflict. It's not like I'm actually on the front lines doing anything and I'm not exactly a writer in a news network but I can't please everybody.

I can say that trying to be a sneaky little bitch is kind of something that I would actually expect out of the pro Putin sympathizing troll crowd.

I actually totally expect them to come over and say stuff and go ahead and talk however the entire community here has kind of spoken. I'm more than happy to talk with them and I even still do even if there are too rude and offensive to have a actual discussion.

Like old Patrick Lancaster.. which ironically that individual got run off of here for his in-depth back door access into the Red army which absolutely proves that he is a complete and total Russian intelligence agent. Yep that's right you're not allowed to do anything in the Red army without clearance and he is definitely anything but a real independent journalist however his internet begging for fame as well as his willingness to prostitute himself for the red party hasn't been forgotten.

Anyway as much as I want to say you guys are all offended at the world go ahead and freak out on the internet because that's about all that you can do. In fact all that I can do is just write a little blog that you emotionally reacted to and freaked out about. Just because I write about a bunch of events that happened on the other side of the world, a few trolls freaked out LOL.

Honestly enough I'm not crying in fact I'm highly amused and I'm actually inspired to continue going. Apparently other people here have actually valued my work and I really think I should support the community a little bit more as well!

So @v4vapid I've delegated to you. I'll be continuing to do so. Thank you for the downvptes as you cry about losing a conversation. By all means do whatever you want. If you want to take them totally away.... Ok. It's only hurting you.... Lol

To the rest of the amazing community. Even if you get some trolls and they hit you with down voting? Or "remove" thier rewards... It's not the end of the world. However much we want to think it's stealing or something... It's not. Rewards are open for 7 days and yep. This is apart of the process...

But must have been quite the nerve and ego hit for this person to come.back.and hit me continually... Because he emotionally invested in an unsourced article. One that is conjecture and as full of holes as Swiss cheese.

Cheers and onwards to writing more content and most likely even more judgmentalism from the trolls.

Now I'm getting the trolls and the down votes because the Russian federation is literally destroying its own army and running itself into the ground making massive and monumental mistakes.

Don't forget they are upset because I'm just writing about the facts and my opinion as I see the facts... Lol

Actually feel very honored thank you for making me important!

The real reason why he's upset is is that an unsourced completely idiotic play for attention by a has been reporter that most likely has been fed hit story time and time again to damage The credibility of the United States of America and it's military operations and international image time and time again. I actually really question the validity of this and until this can actually be confirmed it is just fiction and wishful thinking. Before you get on me about sources and all that the biggest issue here is of course you can't publish conjecture you have to have it backed up by a source in the source has to be confirmed that the source doesn't get confirmed you have just written a piece of fiction and it doesn't count actually have to Fab facts citation and all that to make a claim especially one as big as the claim that was made by a reporter apparently with a desire to be back in the headlines once again. Unfortunately due to the entire situation, we still haven't seen confirmation for this news article come out. And a real reporter having a real story would have had a verified source before they even published this article..

Basically so somebody got so upset he flagged me for an entire week. But did it so he can pretend that he didn't.


Holy cow is this entire conflict just is still continuing to escalate.

Only a couple more days until Russia has lost 150,000 men totaling combat operations. Which unfortunately my trolls seem to think that they've only lost 10% of that. Which is a complete falsehood and a delusion. The fact that we watched direction forces get shut down as well as forced to retreat in four different huge humiliations.

Four tanks six armored personnel carriers and even a aircraft ended up getting hit.

The Ukrainian strike on the Russian A50.

This is an incredible loss for the Russian Air Force as the command and control as well as identification and radar tracking platform is extremely expensive and especially needed to be able to direct air assets and control them..

Russia launched 14 Iranian drones and 11 of them actually got through the air defense system and network making a extremely capable air defense network.

Bakhmut of course is dealing with the entire flooding situation. Making that an extremely crazy situation for the Red army to deal with.

Then also hearing that another su-25 close air support aircraft was downed by the Ukrainian air defense network and just continues to show that Russia has a complete lack of air superiority.


Once again covering the front lines over here apparently Russian Marines are extremely hard-headed and unwilling to change tactics or even consider driving in a place that isn't full of mines.

Incredibly the naval infantry unit in question has actually been so thoroughly combat degraded and then reconstituted as well as being continually brutalized.


The Russian z symbol is now being defaced. Yep is now being turned into an hourglass with the top of it being yellow on the bottom being blue representing an extremely opening clear threat. Yep time is running out for crimea. Russian forces on the on the peninsula are going to find that this huge offensive is absolutely going to cause a huge train wreck as well as most likely cutting off the huge naval Base and massive amounts of Red army soldiers. Extremely creative and very bold we definitely have seen this turn into an extremely direct threat to the Russian Red army in the occupied peninsula.


Incredibly I'm not sure where he got this information but Russia is accusing Ukraine of threatening to invade moldovia. Could this be a setup to try and invasion while pretending it is Ukrainian troops conducting the coup? A lot of paranoia as well as a lot of issues are going on in this undeclared Russian federation enclave.

Ukrainian spring offensive

The last time Ukrainian forces said that they would be directly attacking in this area the entire Northern front ended up unraveling and a huge retreat was undertaken by the Red army as Ukrainian forces breached the entire Russian front line sending all the units into a headlong fleeing retreat.

However with the amount of partisan activity as well as the massive amount of forces being lined up in an attempt to plug the gap for the Red army too deny this penetration is just adding massive amounts of targets and equipment for Ukrainian forces to destroy making this actually into an incredible setup. You can also see that Russian positions very clearly in the center of the entire front having an extremely large gap even though they have continued to attempt to close this Gap over the past few months the vast distances of the Ukrainian front line has left huge openings. Don't forget also the massive amounts of forces being raid in this area could most likely challenge the Red army directly during a little bit with the amount of incoming tanks and armored personnel carriers all of this extremely capable and lethal equipment absolutely is going to have a direct consequence in this offensive.

China 12 point peace plan

Yep this is a couple of days old once again and he is playing catch up however the plan for the plan for the plan to create peace is pretty interesting. However it's also a complete joke and absolutely meaningless with no real direction.

Saudi Arabia donates to Ukraine

400 million worth of humanitarian aid is on its way too Ukraine and the Ukrainian president had an excellent trip there as well as extremely profitable with this amount of humanitarian support.

Belarus says Poland and Lithuania are going to join the Russian federation.

In a continued threat for the previous Soviet block countries that were able to escape once again we are hearing a push for their independence to be revoked and a return back to the original Soviet empire. Threats of taking over these countries continue once again.

The farmer peace process.

Total withdrawal of Russia from Ukraine.

Reparations reconstruction for Ukraine out of the seized assets and continued sanctions.

Nuclear weapons disarmament of Russia.

Absolutely no humanitarian aid to Russia or allowances of sanction relief until nuclear weapon disarmament has been 100% achieved.

Nuclear weapons treaty signature that Russia will never own any nuclear weapons for the rest of human history. As well as an acknowledgment of the year of continued nuclear annihilation threats against countries across the globe.

Just like Germany at the end of world war I as well as Germany and Japan at the end world war II. Requirements for no standing military, and complete access to the country for nuclear energy inspectors as well as nuclear weapons inspectors and regulators.

The dissolution of the Russian federation.
Not only should this happen but also the history of Soviet Russia and the Russian federation reboot should be common knowledge. Including the starvation of the ukrainians as well as all the other horrific crimes against humanity and dictatorships being supported.

War crimes.

At the surrender of Russia, individuals with cases in the international criminal court will be required to present themselves. Warrants will be issued to remand them to court custody for crimes not only against the Russian people directly. But also for crimes against the Ukrainian people as well and then also for crimes against humanity on top of that.

There should be no safe Haven worldwide for any of the international war crimes criminals.

In return for that, the Russia we know is going to trade acceptance back into international trade and banking systems.

While this absolutely is my opinion I absolutely believe that this will be the result. Basically Rush is going to be forced into signing basically what amounts to a treaty of Versailles. The international community absolutely is going to stand back and continue supplying the Ukrainian forces with even more technology to protect themselves because cutting Russia out of the entire international market has destabilized the entire economy.

The international banking cartel cannot let the world fall and the Reconstruction funds that the international banking community has seized from Russia is enough to cover reconstruction. Currently we are seeing a little bit of a fight for international courts to reach certain conclusions however it is only a matter of time due to the severity of this entire situation and conflict.

An entire year worth of threats to use nuclear weapons, and not only on the battlefield but direct threats against Nations worldwide that aren't even a part of the conflict.

Russia really has problem wrapping its mind around the fact that they could actually lose this war. I mean yeah there is some idea starting to go out that things are incredibly bad for them but this year's scare should be making any sane human being extremely worried.

Continue to emotional blackmail the entire world and whine and complain and make excuses, it really shows the entire world quite a different face of Russia then we believed. Actions speak a lot louder than words and the fact that we have watched the Russian military pretty much liquidate itself in this conflict with Ukraine with zero direct military support from other nations. All the while Rush is still claims that it is fully capable on not only defeating Ukraine but also continuing into Poland and retaking Berlin?

As a result the international banking cartel is going to own Russia. Russian federation member states are probably going to break off and do their best to survive in the short term while it's only a matter of time before the population demands to enter in with the rest of the world in trade and banking. Which basically we are going to see international government and governance happening one way or another and the ultimate control for human destiny is actually happening right now. You can either choose communism of corrupt Russian ideology. Or you can choose the communism of China. Or you can choose the corporate banking cartel corruption ownership of the world...

As much as all of the choices suck I'd at least like to have corporate capitalism and a little bit of freedom but once again we will see what all happens in the United States over the next 10 years worth of election cycles.

Bidens Ukraine visit

Yep pitiful pedophile president Biden went over there and actually it sounds like a massive amount of corruption followed yep that's right Democrats don't go anywhere however Nancy pelosi visiting Ukraine ended up getting a massive bill passed so there's obvious corruption and it was really obvious the United States leadership wanted a money laundering scam. Most likely we are looking at huge kickbacks. And I mean of course the entire Hunter Biden Ukraine being employed scandal tax evasion and further situations are unfolding which kind of proved the entire point.

A lot of things are going to come up for change and the next voting cycles in the United States are going to be some key features..

International weapons production.

So basically every single round in NATO inventories is already been bought and paid for. The contracts have already been fulfilled. Having the international banking cartel freeze massive amounts of Russian federation international banking accounts, provides enough collateral for the Ukrainian armed forces to get every single bit of equipment that they need. In fact all of this international aid and lend lease program means that Ukrainian forces are actually getting charged for this equipment. They're actually getting charged for the ammunition that is going to take to require defending their homeland. And it is a price that they willingly have said that they want to bear. So the international corporate military industrial complex is actually getting a massive amount of investment not only for this but also the future war with China. And the fact that China while it says it has combat equipment has never tested this combat equipment against the rest of the world making it unknown if it can live up to its design specifications. However we do know that international military defense manufacturing standards absolutely are transparent and absolutely do have verifiable performance standards.

Russian federation as well as Chinese mystery standards and subpar low performance military equipment is now extremely vulnerable. The incredible amount of data we are seeing from the Ukrainian war is just going to continue being extremely valuable which is another reason why we're going to see military industrial complex invest in the Ukrainian war.

So internationally we are going to watch every single kind of weapons manufacturing company spinning up and having a massive amount of funds available for these companies to scale up production and capabilities. An entire corporate Bonanza gold mine is available for entrepreneurs who are willing to take on contracts and either increase production or completely build new facilities. This is exactly what capitalism was designed to do this is exactly what capitalism was designed to do and free market system is just going to be able to scale this up. The amount of stocks that have been sold to Ukraine or a fraction of the inventory I extremely small one with current total aid packages being counted, we actually are seeing about 5% total drop in NATO stockpiles overall.

And my promotion tag line!

Budo brothers!


I'd definitely like to promote them. They are sending me a pair of these sticks. So in return I'd love to promote them here on the blockchain. Cool gear and martial arts videos that are phenomenal. and they are coming to our Blockchain ecosystem this year!


The A50 takedown was probably a Bielarus partisan acting though.

It really looks like it was a drone attack however I really hope that your answer is correct...


What's wrong you get caught up being a hypocrite and lose a conversation with me and throw a temper tantrum?

Childish... Lol

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