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RE: Day 369, 148,690 KIA. Pro Putin trolls downvotes! Red army cut off?

in Deep Dives2 years ago

So basically every single round in NATO inventories is already been bought and paid for. The contracts have already been fulfilled. Having the international banking cartel freeze massive amounts of Russian federation international banking accounts, provides enough collateral for the Ukrainian armed forces to get every single bit of equipment that they need. In fact all of this international aid and lend lease program means that Ukrainian forces are actually getting charged for this equipment. They're actually getting charged for the ammunition that is going to take to require defending their homeland. And it is a price that they willingly have said that they want to bear. So the international corporate military industrial complex is actually getting a massive amount of investment not only for this but also the future war with China. And the fact that China while it says it has combat equipment has never tested this combat equipment against the rest of the world making it unknown if it can live up to its design specifications. However we do know that international military defense manufacturing standards absolutely are transparent and absolutely do have verifiable performance standards.

Russian federation as well as Chinese mystery standards and subpar low performance military equipment is now extremely vulnerable. The incredible amount of data we are seeing from the Ukrainian war is just going to continue being extremely valuable which is another reason why we're going to see military industrial complex invest in the Ukrainian war.

So internationally we are going to watch every single kind of weapons manufacturing company spinning up and having a massive amount of funds available for these companies to scale up production and capabilities. An entire corporate Bonanza gold mine is available for entrepreneurs who are willing to take on contracts and either increase production or completely build new facilities. This is exactly what capitalism was designed to do this is exactly what capitalism was designed to do and free market system is just going to be able to scale this up. The amount of stocks that have been sold to Ukraine or a fraction of the inventory I extremely small one with current total aid packages being counted, we actually are seeing about 5% total drop in NATO stockpiles overall.

Lolol the nafo clown licking the boots of the empire clean, too bad you're a bitch tits coward who won't join the fight you so hard cheer on, no surprise there, bitches ain't shit.